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This is a new genre I'm trying to write about  Seth and Sasha so bare with me if it goes a bit wrong. Thank you for reading.

This will contain A LOT of romance and heated scenes

Sashas pov

My heart thumped in my chest as I stood next to one of the pillars that held the clock tower together gazing down at the silent and oblivious town below.

Incase you don't know what's about to happen let me explain it to you. My names sasha banks and I'm a princess vampire, my parents are the kind and queen of one district however there is another. My district is called rowmax whilst the other is called woodmers. Woodmers is ruled by another king and queen who have a son.

Now my parents choose to be together, however in vampire tradition every other princess and prince must marry so me and the prince from woodmers have to marry. We have been betrothed since we were born but have never met one another. My grandmother was once in my position and she says that it's the best thing that ever happened to her, apparently couples who choose to be together will never know true happiness like the marriage between two betrothed vampires. Such as myself and the prince.

But that didn't stop me from being nervous, tonight was the first time we are meeting and I was nervous beyond belief because when two who are betrothed first meet they are supposed to make the ultimate connection to seal an engagement. And if we do he will be my first. Yes I know I'm a virgin but it's tradition as much as I hate being told what to do my some old boring book I have to follow the rules like any other vampire princess.

I sighed heavily as the fire burned inside one of the four free standing open flame pits that stood atop a tall pole. The wind brushed against my skin softly causing small goosebumps to appear. As I watched the soft clouds paint the pitch black sky I let my floor length black and red dress flutter behind me in the cool wind. Suddenly my attention was caught when a deep yet soft voice was heard from behind me.

"I'm guessing your my betrothed" my heart stopped as I gulped, I straightened up from leaning against the nearby stone pillar to face where the voice was come from. I turned to see a tall figure standing  next to one of the pillars across the space, his face hidden by the shroud of darkness almost as if he wore it like a mask "I am" I replied and I saw him nod. He then slowly made his way out of the darkness and into the light where I saw him clearly.

His hazel brown eyes scanned my being as I took in his appearance, he had a neat brown beard the showed his face perfectly whilst his black shoulder length hair fell to the top of his black blazer that matched his suit. He wore all black, blazer, trousers and shirt with the top few buttons undone to show off part of his obviously ripped chest. "I'm Seth" he said offering his hand out to me and I shook it "I'm Sasha" I responded breathlessly and he chuckled.

"Well sasha what do you think of this little situation?" He asked leaning up against a nearby table that stood on the outskirts of the landing. "Well my grandmother said that when it happened to her it was the best thing of her life, she said two vampires who are betrothed are never meant more for one another than anyone else" I started and  he nodded watching me carefully. "But I do hate traditions sometimes" I sighed turning to face him and he had a huge smirk plastered across his face.

"Well even though you say that I know your hiding something" he said suddenly serious and my mouth instantly went dry as he strolled up next to me. He stood facing the other way as he stood a few inches away from me "and what makes you think that?" That I asked trying to recollect myself "because I can tell even though you hate tradition as much as me.................I can tell you want me as much as I want you Babygirl".

I almost moaned at his talk and he smirked again when I didnt answer, it was almost like a scene out of a story I had read where two unfamiliar strangers basked in lust and romance. Something like Romeo and Juliet but vampire style.

"And what makes you think that" I asked biting my lip whilst looking at him and he growled letting his hand rest on my waist "because of this" he growled before suddenly shoving me up against one of the nearby pillars harshly. I gasped as my back hit the cold stone and he leaned in close before pressing our lips together, I moaned out loudly as our mouths claimed over one another's harshly. The sexual tension between us was like a think fog making it almost impossible to breath.

"Seth" I gasped as his lips worked wonders on my neck, sucking and biting at my skin setting it alight with passion. He suddenly grabbed my forearms and dragged me near to a bed which resides in the middle of the room covered in red silk sheets and fire lamps beside it. He pushed me down onto the bed gently and I panted.

He smiled down at me before removing his blazer and shirt revealing his naked torso, my tongue darted across my dry lips as I stared at his ripped body "eyes up here Babygirl" he chuckled before crawling ontop of  me. He pinned my hands above my head and leaned down close to my ear "I'm gonna ask you some questions baby please answer honestly he asked and I nodded before he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Have you ever had sex before?" He asked trailing his finger up my the material that covered my stomach and I sighed shaking my head "Hey it's nothing to be embarrassed about I know the tradition I was checking" He soothed moving his hands to cup my face and look into my eyes. "Second are you nervous" my eyes widened and I looked at him shocked "how did you know?" He smiled letting his finger outline my bottom lip gently. "I can sense your fear Babygirl but don't worry I promise to be gentle".

I sighed as he pulled out of me and collapsed ontop of me, his face hovered inches away from mine as we both panted for air our body's covered in sweat. But when I reopened my eyes I looked upon his face for my breath to be taken out fo my body. Instead of before where I saw a normal man I now saw the most handsome I had ever seen. My heart burst with a unexplainable feeling as he opened his eyes and looked at me intently.

My heart burned with passion and I knew this was what my nan was talking about. If the two vampires where meant for eachother after they'd see eachother in a different light. And now instead of a Seth who I had only known for a few hours it felt like I'd known him for years. I let my hand wander up to cup his face and my thumb caressed his cheek, he smiled done at me leaning into my touch and pressing a kiss to my thumb and then my hand.

"Did it work?" He asked and I nodded kissing his lips passionately and he smiled "good because I love you Sasha" he said between kisses and I giggled. Suddenly he pulled my close to his chest and rolled over so that I lay ontop of him, his hands trailed up and down my naked back whilst I traced his abs delicately "I love you Seth" "I love you too Sasha".

Another one shot up!! Thank you for reading and sorry if it was a bit confusing I had no idea how to explain what I my idea was properly!! Please vote and comment!!

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