French tease

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Seth's pov

I slung my arm around Sasha as she cuddled into my side, it was the night after extreme rules and we were relaxing watching Netflix. Sasha has decided on a crime show which I had never heard of but if it made her happy I'd watch it.

As we were watching one of the characters began to speak French and I furrowed my eye brows "there's no subtitles how do we know what they're saying" I groaned and Sasha giggled sitting up. "He said that his gang is in the north of the village and are planning something" she shrugged and I narrowed my eyes "how do you know that!" I questioned and she sat back smiling.

" parce que je parle francais" she spoke and my mouth dropped causing her to stifle a laugh and snicker "you speak French" I stuttered and she nodded kissing my cheek. "Say something else so I know your not lying" I demanded and she laughed "hmmmmmmmm ok".

"Seth Rollins je t'aime" she whispered in my ear and I hissed in a breath as a shiver went down my spine. "That was hot" I growled and she blushed, I leaned over to kiss her but she put her finger against my lips stopping me. I whined looking at her pleading but she shook her head giggling.

"Très inappropiè mr Rollins et vous souhaitez que vous pourriez moi maintenant" she whispered seductively before jumping off the couch and rubbing upstairs. I watched as she ran upstairs dumbfounded and shouted "what does that mean! Sasha! What does that mean" as she ran up the stairs and out of my sight.

Another one shot up!! Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed the different language idea which I might use in future!! Please vote and comment!! 💗💜💞💕❤️💖💞

303 words

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