173. A World of Adventure

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The next thing Vera knew was that her body ached, and she was face down on a cold hard surface. She opened her eyes to see a polished marble floor. She pushed herself up and looked around and discovered her new location had replaced the torch lit boss room with a brightly lit chapel complete with stain glass windows, elaborate sconces and candelabras. Glowing blue seams were worked into the marble of the entire building with magical symbols and artwork.

It was one of the most beautiful sights she'd ever seen. She doubted even the palace was made so elaborately beautiful, as if the very building was designed to be a work of art.

She turned to see Seamus, Juliette, Jasmine, and Greffin also on the floor near her. Just beyond them, Cal sat at a dinner table that seemed oddly... in place. She noticed Greffin was feeling for her wing and was relieved to see it was as if it had never been ripped off.

"What happened?" Juliette asked while looking around.

"We lost." Seamus said brushing himself off.

"We died..." Jasmine spun her tail around her and hugged herself.

"Worse things have happened." Seamus responded as he and Yamamoto stretched.

"How can you be so casual about this- Kyah!" Juliette screamed when something flashed before her eyes.

Then something appeared in Vera's vision. Juliette, Jasmine, and Greffin had similar reactions but Vera couldn't see anything in front of their faces only hers.

[Quest Complete] Reborn as adventurers.

<You have faced a challenge and you lost. But this is not only the end of that life. It is the beginning of a new one. A life of challenges, a life of excitement, a life of Adventure.>

[New quest] The only way out is through.

<The Adventurer's Cathedral rests on the opposite side of the boss room. The only way out is to beat the boss. There is a time to run and a time to fight. But as the first of a new generation of adventurers produced by the Pearly City and Guided by the God of Adventurers, it is time to run into the fight and prove to yourself and the world, that even if the gods can kill you, they will never stop you.>


After the bodies of the hero party vanished into speckles of light. Cal was about to enter the room when he received a notification.

[Quest Complete] New God of Peril.

<Shayley O'heira Van Dravenkin has faced a party of adventurers that were stronger than her by at least ten levels each while at level "30". She has ascended and will become the new goddess of:>

Underneath was a list of possible domains. Some of them were greyed out because she hadn't met the qualifications. He looked at the list and was fascinated by how long the list actually was. There were even submenus while infographics of current, available, wanted, and needed. Apparently, there were gods that people wanted or needed but the god didn't exist... or didn't exist anymore.

But that wasn't his problem they shouldn't have gotten in his way. Or done so many stupid things to make then targets from other people while being weak or arrogant. But as soon as he glanced at the list, he knew exactly what to do. He picked the three that suited her best, fiddled around with the sub-settings, and made sure everything was perfect.

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