79. Training with the family

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[Days to Ragnarok]

[17 days]

Cal had learned one important truth when he almost lost to Achilles. Being intent on survival means that you must adapt. The Dragoonians were naturally low leveled since it was an origin point for new players. They resorted to the blessings of the gods like Selene and developing swordsmanship to a whole new degree. Cal was overwhelmingly powerful, but if he and Achilles were on equal levels he would get his butt smoked and handed to him with grill marks.

Selene was one of the founding members for the Dawn Way, the weapon masters of Dragoonia. When the ghost pirates cut them off from the mainland and every attempt to break it failed, the colonies that made up the Western Shore and the nearby island mini nations came together to find another solution. Their first plan was to combine all of their resources, ideals, and power. They then became the nation of Dragoonia.

The ones who were finally able to rally everyone to this point had been Cal's parents and they were unanimously nominated their new rulers. In the interest of creating a force strong enough to break the embargo they gathered all the masters together and stuck them on one of the islands for a decade to study under one another and create a solidified new order. These masters included: Swordsman, mages, priestesses, hunters, knights, spearman, Selene who was developing a new sword style with a giant katana variant, and the even young Achilles since they had no desire to separate a child from her mother for a whole decade during her formative years.

The masters tutored one another, shared their secrets and created two things, a new order, and a monster. The Dawn Way established a way to train each soldier into something better. The masters were no longer just a master of one style but all of them. It was established that when they found someone who was an excellent swordsman they would make him an excellent everything else too. Spearman, bowman, mage, rouge, healer, and even bound him to the code of honor of the Dawn Way. To train others, learn as much as possible, then once every couple decades they'd meet up again and refine the Dawn Way to incorporate new powerful styles of fighting. One important aspect added, thanks to Selene, was the mentor policy: If they found someone who wasn't a master, but had a unique fighting style with potential, they were to help tutor them to perfect it and then learn it themselves if possible.

However, the members of the budding Dawn way unwittingly created a monster. Since Achilles was on the island learning from all the masters simultaneously, she became the poster child for the Dawn Way. Dragoonia's finest, and most arrogant practitioner.

What did all this mean? It meant that Cal had to step up his game. When everything boiled down to levels and power, those who knew karate or swordplay always had an edge over normal gamers. It didn't always translate since this wasn't a martial art game, it was an adventure game where fighting a swordsman and a giant scorpion meant two fundamentally different strategies.

It hadn't escaped his attention that everyone around Cal had hundreds of years of experience living in this world where his total experience wouldn't even qualify him as a preteen. Sure, he was a god with an insane pool of health since his level had jumped, but he was no sword master.

That is where his new waifu came into play. Selene wasn't a horny battle crazed maniac like Shayley, but her skills were nothing to scoff at. When their levels compared better, Shayley would have her work cut out for her.

The tavern that once held a bar kitchen and tables, now stood barren as a single wide-open space for training.

Cal hopped on the balls of his feet with his fists in front of him. He had a silver band around his left bicep it was an enchanted item that cleverly hid the mate mark on his chest but not his left hand. A red bandana tied around his right wrist contrasted the blue on his left. He had no shirt on and was drenched with sweat. But he had a big smile plastered on his face as he ducked when Selene swiped at his head with a kick.

Selene may have worn a proper dress in order to meet the guild, but during training she wouldn't get her nice clothes dirty for no reason. She wore only a tightly wrapped Sarashi which was drench in sweat, but never threatened to come undone. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail leaving two long tails of hair to frame her face. She had on a pair of billowing shorts for easy movement. Like Cal, she was barefoot on their training mat. Unlike Cal, she had her feet planted, her body was turned slightly, she held both hands flat instead of making fists, one palm hung above her head and face the ceiling and one was held out in front of her and faced Cal.

"Good." Selene smiled. "Di! Chi! Dea! Bend! Flow! Rae!" She yelled. Together they shifted stances and attacked with every command prompt word. For the outsiders looking in, it appeared as if they were dancing in a planned set of movements. It was actually a drill reminiscent of rock, paper, scissors, where she named a style and he would have to strike, block, or dodge with a move from that style.

"Di! Chi! Dea! Rae! Flow! Bend!" Cal shouted in return and the dance continued.

"Bend! Chi! Di! Rae! Flow! Dae!" Selene smiled as she met Cal blow-for-blow with an obvious advantage from experience.

During their game of sparing, Achilles was training off to the side with Ophelia. She may have hated Cal, but she couldn't hate Ophelia. She didn't like helping Cal's daughter. But Ophelia was an innocent that didn't need to get caught up in her personal vendetta. What surprised her was how fearsome Ophelia was. If someone had told her before that this little girl was a match for this city's defenders she would have feared for the city. But now, she felt sorry for any who challenged the City. Ophelia was a powerful and sneaky bugger. As soon as she went into 'battle mode' she could literally see seconds into the future. Only the most elaborate of trick might work on her. If it weren't for her overwhelming speed and hundreds of years of experience she might even consider Ophelia a match for her. But on top of that Ophelia was a shameless cheater.

When she reprimanded her for it she said 'papa always said to stack the deck when I can.'

Achilles glared at Cal but was surprised when Cal also reprimanded her. "Ophelia, that's only if it's life or death. Pick your battles and play nice with your Onee-chan."

"But papa..." Ophelia whined.

"Squirt, remember that you have to act like a knight and play fair at least some of the time or I wouldn't have even bothered teaching you that."


"No, buts, butts, whines, whining, lips, or lies." Cal chopped her lightly on the head.

"Fiiine." Ophelia pouted.

"Bastard-Cal-who-I-neither-recognize-nor-respect," Achilles addressed Cal in her traditional fashion.

When Selene went to reprimand her again, Cal held up his hand to stop her. With his biggest shit-eating grin he said. "Whom."

Achilles scoffed and rolled her eyes. "What is an 'Onee-chan'?"

Cal smiled again. "It's an endearing respectful name for 'big sister'."

Achilles was about to throw it in his face, but then she saw Ophelia's giant sparkling eyes.

"You're my big sister?" Ophelia began tearing up. "I've always wanted a big sister..." She sniffled.

Achilles glared at Cal with a look that very clearly said, 'you're a cheater and a hypocrite.' Then she looked at Ophelia, then said even though it pained her. "Isn't it obvious?"

Ophelia ran forward and hugged Achilles' leg. She giggled joyfully as she cried.

Achilles flipped Cal off.

"See, we are already one big happy family." Cal said, and Selene scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully. 

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