107. Guildmaster's Wish

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There was a thunderous applause after Cal finished playing his fourth round of songs.

"Hey Guildmaster!" One of the spectators yelled. "What did you wish for?"

"He hasn't made a wish yet." Selene said as she approached him. "I've been saving this one, you can't give us all wishes and not make one for yourself."

There was a resounding cheer.

Cal had been a little overwhelmed by it all, and a moment later he got a call from Selene over the telepathic player link.

(Cal, Selene? Is this really a peach? One of the Nymphs brought it by and said I could make a wish on it?) Shayley's voice came over the link.

(Cal grew them, he's about to make a wish in front of a bunch of people at a grove party. But I thought it would make him even more nervous if he knew both his lovely ladies were listening.) Selene teased.

(Well Cal, what is your wish, now I'm interested. Especially since I haven't seen a peach in over two hundred years.) Shayley said and Cal could just see the smug grin on her face as she pictured him squirming.

"One wish?" Cal asked looking at the Peach. "But what if I already have everything I've ever wished for?"

He could feel Shayley rolling her eyes at him while Selene and half the crowd "Awwwed".

Cal looked at the peach again. "I wish," he started. Then he smiled, "for a long and happy married life, with lots and lots of kids, grandkids, and great grandkids." He took a bite of his peach and the crowd cheered.

(That is a wish I can get behind. I wish for a long and intimate honeymoon as soon as possible.) Shayley wished.

After Cal took a bite he gave Selene a deep and publicly embarrassing kiss. When he disengaged he proudly finished chewing a bite of peach, while Selene shyly covered her mouth with her dainty hand as she chewed some peach Cal had shared. That caused a riotous cheer from the crowd that only caused Selene's smile and blush to deepen.


"Are you the Guildmaster we've heard so much about?" A handsome elf with blonde hair and a thick lilting accent approached Cal and his family while they were still at their picnic. He was followed by a dark elf of no lesser quality in masculine beauty. His hair covered his eyes, but he looked plenty comfortable in his own skin. Their clothes were regal and beyond expensive looking.

The blonde elf had on a long blue outfit that molded to his skin elegantly. His long hair was too beautiful to be a man's, but his deep voice and strong jaw defied too much androgyny. He had half a bronze circlet that looked like roots entangling with his hair. He had every striking feature of a noble born and the confident smile to boot.

The dark elf had pitch black hair even darker then Cal's and unlike the blonde elf it was course without being out of place. His charcoal colored outfit was more uniform than regal attire. With starched long sleeves and the long thin blade hanging from his hip didn't look like the most dangerous thing about him.

Behind them and scattered throughout the crowd were a contingent of guards. Security detail, Cal could tell by the way they were behaving. Plus, the fact that they weren't very good at hiding the defensive spells angled at the two princely men.

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