165. Gentle Memories

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Seamus was done. Not through with Cal done. But "he couldn't move" done. He hadn't expected the Perilroot arm to increase his magic reserves, he also hadn't expected it to drain his magic and stamina so fast.

Cal's "Stress Test's" was just another name for his "Hell training: Dungeon edition." He made Seamus run circles all the way to the top where an outlet to Cal's Guild office was. Seamus had even resorted to practicing using his new sword Munin with Cal's instruction. It was strange to wield a sword again and even stranger to wield it with his substitute arm.

Beyond that, when they were able to find places to rest, Cal provided a huge number of raw plants and materials for the Perilroot to absorb. Then Cal had him practice concocting potions and poisons with his arms.

It took some getting used to and they found that he could recreate a standard health potion at a rate that wasn't economically efficient. However, through Cal's suggestion, they managed to create a new class of potion substitute called Perilroot Nectar that had powerful buffs with minor debuffs that were more powerful than their mundane buff only counterpart. It was to the degree that a pure buff concoction was on average 50% less effective than something containing a little bit of poison.

"Well, isn't that interesting." Cal remarked.

Together they finalized specialized potions for each member of Seamus's party.

For Jasmine, the nervous Lamia Archer. [Archer's prowess] increased sight, minor paralysis.

It would not only help her aim farther with the increased sight, but the degree of the paralysis would increase her aim by reducing how much her arms would shake.

For Juilette, the magical liongirl. [Mage's Wit] increased magical/health regeneration, increased bloodloss.

It would increase the circulation of magic and blood within the body, so that it processed and recovered fast. But due to the increased circulation if she got cut it would bleed and clot faster.

For Greffin, the upgraded Avian. [Rogue's fury] increased speed/defense, weight penalty.

Avians were naturally light in order to fly. This would increase her speed and increase the density of her bones so they wouldn't break as easily and the weight would allow her to hit harder.

For Vera, the Half-breed Elemental. [Hero's cunning] Increased Hp Regen, Increased enemy provocation, lower pain tolerance (Wings).

For Vera as a frontline it was important to last and draw attention. With her unique bloodline damage to her wings would increase her battle prowess. Lower pain tolerance would mean she didn't take as much damage while fooling her reactive magic into activating more powerfully without need to take as much damage.

For Yamamoto, the familiar. [Predator's guile] Increased attack, increase provocation.

Since Yamamoto was a support attacker that would sub as Seamus's tank it was perfect. It would allow his attacks to land harder but because of his speed mixed with the provocation Yamamoto would be able to draw their attention and distract them.

And for Seamus himself. [Druid's tenacity] Direct magic replenishment, poison damage.

Seamus's poison resistance was immense due to his harsh training, but his magic pool was small as a side effect, so he'd often run out of magic in the middle of a fight. His maximum capacity had increased slightly, but so had the drain on it. They also discovered poison damage to Seamus wasn't just negated, it healed and energized the Perilroot arm which gave him a minor boost as if thanking him for the food. So, it was triply effective.

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