7. A Kiss a Day Keeps the Wife at Bay

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Wendy slapped him.


She had tears in her eyes, but her face was one of anger.


Again. Eh? What did he say? If it were Shayley the next thing was a punch in the nose.

"I have said this once before, and I had thought you had learned. So I'll say it again, You are an idiot, master!"

He thought he was helping, he was just trying to avoid another identity crisis.

She stood and pulled him off the floor by his shirt until he was at eye level with her inches away from his face.

"You know nothing of a woman's love. We love deeply, and as long lived as we Elves are, we do not take marriage so lightly. I love that man and no babble from something you wrote one time is going to change that." She pulled him closer until their noses were touching. She ground her teeth and commanded him with such conviction he regretted ever questioning her. "Now do everything in your power to get me back with MY HUSBAND!"

Oh, shiiiit!

Uuuuuuuuh. Cal pleaded with his brain for an idea, anything...

"A kiss a day might be a good start if you just told him to..." Cal spat the first thing that came to mind and he didn't even think she'd buy that.

"If I go over there and kiss him and it doesn't wash away my every worry, I'm going to kick your ass! I don't care what level you are!"

Wendy threw Cal on the couch and went to kick his office door down.

"Wait, Wendy...!" What did he just say?

Wendy glared at him and he backed down.



A wild amount of bloodlust erupted into the guild and tavern area as a terrifying demon broke the Guildmaster's door and roared.

"PETER STARCHASER!" She bellowed and rampaged straight to the bar of the tavern where all the color left the elf man that became as white as his short alabaster hair.

There was as table in her way with no people on it and she sent it flying with strength no elf girl of her size should possess.

True to his worth. Peter, who was shaking in his boots, smiled and didn't move an inch as the woman he called his wife leaked so much bloodlust he felt his manhood might be in danger.

She pulled the pin from her bun and let her long wavy hair fall over her shoulders.

She reached over the bar and grabbed his face with her claws.

Then she pulled him into her and stuck her tongue so far down his throat, through his yelp of surprise, that he nearly lost consciousness.



Soon the bloodlust dissipated.

Wendy was relieved when he tasted just like she remembered.

There was no alcohol on his breath.

No foreign flavors or smells of other women.

No breakfast food since he often skipped breakfast.

He just tasted like Peter.

She let out a small moan, and Peter relaxed.

He reached for her, not for her waist, not for her bust that she knew he liked. He reached into her hair he grabbed two handfuls behind her head and pulled her deeper into him. When he returned the kiss, she moved her hands up and ran her fingers through his short silky hair.

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