12. Spying on myself

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"They've returned." The ghost of a Dravenkin appeared in Cal's office an hour after sundown as an incandescent wispy blue shade. Cal had a break from working in the café since everything had died down. He was saved by Peter who took the chance to steal Wendy away for a moment for their daily kiss, which left Wendy in a good enough mood to take pity on Cal.

"And?" Cal asked with his nose in a book. 

The Ghost's name was Vorn, he was a Dravenkin hunter who threatened Cal's family as a means of intimidation. Cal responded to the bluff by wiping out an entire Dravenkin hunting party and torturing Vorn to death. He was still around because of one of Cal's more sinister abilities as a Dread pirate. Whenever Cal kill's someone or something, their spirit is bound to him as either a immortal slave or as magical battery.

Vorn later pleaded his case, but instead of asking for forgiveness, he asked for his family to be spared. After grilling Ten'lo, the prince of the Dravenkin, and his sworn blood brother, he'd decided to use Vorn as his invisible assistant in order to prove himself for redemption.

Incidentally, it was this same magic that had cursed the Segaro Sea between them and the Western Shore, an island of Elves. The ghosts bonded to him during his raids remained at large while he was gone for 250 years. Since they were originally pirates they remained pirates.

Cleansing the Segaro sea was disguised as a raid, but was really Cal reclaiming his ghost crew. He didn't know how they would react since he was gone so long but he was pretty sure that there would be a fight.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Some sideways glances and a few observers, but safe all the same." Vorn reported.

"Good, tell me about these observers later, at the moment I'm just glad they are safe." Cal was colder to Vorn than just about anyone, he was civil... but cold.

"Anything else, Captain?" Vorn asked, unaffected by the icy tone of his master.

"Yes, just one thing." Cal said, he never once tore his eyes from his studies even to acknowledge Vorn's presence.

"Sir." Vorn stood at attention.

"I've informed Ten'lo about our arrangement. No harm or the like is to befall yours nor your brothers' families."

Vorn placed his hand over his heart and bowed. "Thank you, Captain."

"Don't thank me yet, you're still a long way from forgiveness, bilge rat." Cal sneered.

"I will do all in my power to prove myself."

"See that you do, now begone. I tire of yer face."

"Right away captain." Vorn disappeared in a wisp of ethereal smoke.

Cal had his nose dug into the thin volume, his eyes were unwaveringly studious as if the tome might hold a valuable secret that might disappear if he gazed away for a single second.

After a moment.

"PAPA, I'M HOME!" a sweet childish voice called.

Cal's body was replaced by a cloud of dust and the book hovered in the air a second before landing on his desk face down in a way that no one could inadvertently see what it said.

Not even a measurable moment later, Cal was crouching in front of Ophelia fawning over her checking for anything out of place. He picked her up like a porcelain doll and examined every part of her.

"AHA! Tiki, what is this!" he pointed at Ophelia's hair, but nobody could see anything wrong.


Tiki had a ragged appearance from the scolding she received from the princess and the knights.

Cal pulled off a leaf out of Ophelia's hair.

"Meup." Ophelia squeaked cutely.

Another leaf sprouted with an equally cute pop.

"A leaf?" She answered pensively.

"This leaf was regenerated 38... 39 times. Once or twice might be fine, but what in the world happened that caused this single leaf to be regenerated 38 times?" Cal asked.

"... How did you know?" Tiki asked. Everyone's jaw dropped.

Was that some crazy dad power?

Cal smiled and pointed at her, "You really think I wouldn't notice the most subtle of changes on my beloved daughter?" He looked smug as he crossed his arms.

The adventurer party looked impressed.

At least until Ophelia spoiled it. "Daddy was spying on us."

Their impression of him shattered.

"Ophelia, you can't just tell them that, after what I said." Cal moaned.

Ophelia just giggled.

"But who there wasn't anyone that could have-" Tiki protested.

"It was Cammannaghgn." Ophelia tried to say but Cal covered her mouth.

"Okay that part really is a secret." Cal said.

"You were spying on us?" Greffin growled.

Cal smiled. "I'm spying on everyone. I'm even spying on my own spies. And those spies spying on those spies." He leaned into Greffin and whispered. "I'm even spying on myself, who knows what I'm up to." His eyes darted back and forth conspiratorially.

Cal pulled a fork out of his butler's jacket and showed it to the young harpy male. One of the customers on the loft raised her hand to get the attention of one Elementals in elf form helping at the café.

"Excuse me, I dropped my fork, may I have a new one?" The human girl asked.

Cal flicked the fork over his shoulder and it landed in the elemental's hand before he handed it to her. Much to her surprise.

Greffin's eyes widened at the evidence that Cal indeed knew more than he was letting on. The young members all looked impressed again.

Ophelia giggled.

It might have also been an elaborate prank he was pulling on the guild members. One where he offered a free meal to a customer who was willing to play along...

They might never know. Well, Ophelia knew, but she wasn't about to say since it was funnier to watch the new members squirm. 

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