112. The True Children of Calphian

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Vera couldn't believe her luck, a real life Valkyrie. And they were in the same room. However, she noticed how the Valkyrie was a little fidgety.

"Vera, these are your Gandalf and Aragorn... I haven't figured out which is which yet." Cal said as he pressed the man called Dakota and Anastasia forward. "Guys this one is yours."

"B-but she can't be, I'm a virgin!" Anastasia retorted, but as she realized what she just said she when bright red. "I mean, oh no did I just say that out loud?" She covered her face in her hands.

"Calm down, Anastasia I didn't mean it like that, her Grandma was a Wind elemental. Her mother was a fire elemental." Cal said.

"Wait... do you mean...?" Anastasia asked. She turned toward Vera and flew to her side throwing Throgar behind her into Dakota like he was no heavier then a sack of napkins. "How's your father? Do you eat okay?" She pressed as she checked Vera's arms and wings. "So beautiful." She remarked as she stretched the wing to look at it. She caught herself and jumped back two steps. "I'm sorry..."

Vera watched as the mighty Valkyrie appeared... bashful.

Anastasia laughed nervously, "We don't get into the city much, and I've never met one of my nieces. Um... about your father..."

Vera looked at the ground sadly.

"Oh my child." Anastasia said as she wrapped her arms her arms around Vera. "I wish we could have done more."

It was like a flood of emotions had finally been released. The truth was that she never mourned her father. She was the oldest and had to be the strong one for her friends. All she could ever really remember about that night was that he saved them. The faceless enemy cornered him and he knew it. they were a shadow in they back of their mind. She never even saw them. He stayed behind so that they could escape. He entrusted her with his shield and said that he would return for it.

He never did. There wasn't even a body left to find.

That was the scariest thing about their existence. They never saw their enemy, but they were out there. And when one of their own disappeared, everyone knew they weren't coming back. It was taboo to speak about them in the open. Nobody believed the half-breeds and bringing up the enemy brought ill fortune.

It was such a dark and scary existence. But now a light shined in her life, Cal the Guildmaster threatened the shadowy threat of the enemy. However, it wasn't until the warm embrace of Anastasia, her family, that she felt the true comfort of safety for the first time in her whole life.

Vera clutched on to Anastasia for dear life and wailed. She mourned her father and her friends. But not only that, she allowed herself to embrace hope for the first time since her father passed away. The chance that things would become better.


Calico appeared in the room and snapped her finger encasing the room in a protective barrier. She nodded at Cal and he proceeded with a plan he had been waiting for just the right time to implement.

Cal put a hand on Anastasia shoulder and one on Vera's head. "This is not just any girl you are holding Anastasia. This is Vera Tabi'ca of Calphian, a pure daughter of the city, a miracle child with the devil's luck in city that seeks to protect her as much as kill her. She is the Hope of all Elementals and will be the sword that cuts a new future for the children of the Elemental Clans. She will be the shield that protects the Children of the city from the darkness within. I hereby dub Vera Tabi'ca the first daughter of Calphian, the first leader of the true children of Calphian. All born under the Clans of the City shall hereby be known as the True children of Calphian. They shall no longer be scorned because of the misconception that they are impure, for they are the chosen children mentioned in the Oath of Perils. In front of these holy witnesses, Kadoka the Cherubim of fire, Dakota the Juton frost giant, Anastasia the most reckless Valkyrie, Throgar the Illustrious bard of the North Wind Academy, Calico of the Smokeless fox clan of fire, and Selene Thetis grandmaster of the Dawn Way. I, Calloway Calphius the God of Peril, hereby grant a new destiny to the children of Calphian through my chosen champion Vera Tabi'ca."

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