45. The might of the Dragonslayers

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"That's what you think." Shayley spun the blade in palm. Her fingernails had dug into the avatar's scales. She dug her fingers into the dragon and then sunk her sword into the eye of the dragon.

The dragon whipped frantically trying to shake Shayley off it's head.

Selene screamed in pain.

Shayley smiled. Killing dragons was the specialty of the Dravenkin. After all, half of the Dravenkin's gods were some of the most powerful divine dragons. It was why she used a sword, everybody knows that you have to use swords against dragons.

The swinging dragon head did not deter Shayley as she sunk her fangs into the eye of the dragon and began drinking its magic.

It shrank making it smaller and smaller. The Azurus followers stood horrified as Shayley completely swallowed the dragon.

"You know it's been a while since I've tasted dragon. The Blue Dragon Azurus I thought that name was familiar. But this flavor really sent it home. Blue dragons were my favorite delicacy growing up." Shayley licked her fingers.

She was met by a new onslaught attacks from Selene. "You think that one dragon is the only trick I have up my sleeve. I fight pirates for a living!" She ran her hand over her sword and it glowed white. "Divine Blade!" Selene was twice as fast as she was before. Shayley smile as she danced between her strikes.

Shayley caught the blade with her hand. It cut deep into her palm, but she did something unexpected. She held the blade down and bit into it. Selene hopped away but it was too late. Shayley sucked in a string of white magic as if she were slurping in a long spaghetti noodle. She slurped until all the light disappeared from the sword.

"How many tricks do you have? I hope they are not all from dragons. I'm beginning to feel homesick." Shayley wiped her mouth with her arm as she huntress marks glowed even brighter.

"So this is the power of the godslayers." Selene panted

"Not hardly," Shayley licked her sword and it glowed blue and white. "the only way break a hard object is to hit it with something equally hard. The only way to kill a dragon god is with the power of a dragon god. [Profane Blade Dragon Slayer]." Shayley flicked her sword back and forth sending shockwaves with every swing. "You know, sometimes I forget that only the Dravenkin use dragon slaying in their coming of age ceremonies." Shayley had an evil gleam in her eyes as a cruel grin spread across her face.


Shayley flicked her sword and it sent vibrations toward Selene with each swing. Selene narrowed her eyes, this woman was overwhelmingly powerful. How had she fallen so far behind? Callow was able to single handedly wipe out the blockade and Shayley was a dragonslayer and a godkiller. Were these her peers? But if she gave up now how could she hope to stand next to Callow?

She summoned all of her mana and strength. [Defense Up] [Attack Up] [Speed Up] [Fairy Fire Armor]. Selene was wrapped in blue and yellow flames. "I'm not through yet."

"Even in the face of insurmountable odds you still haven't given up. Good. If you are willing to admit that you never loved Calloway and surrender, I'll allow you to walk away from this fight." Shayley's predatorial eyes threatened a life of shame.

"You're a petty witch, I'll never cave into such an absurd request. I love Callow!"

"And why! Why do you love him?" Shayley challenged.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Let me guess, he opened your eyes? He saw something in yourself that you couldn't see yourself? When he showed up in your life, your entire world shifted. He showed you just how sorry and pathetic your life was and then taught you something very important. Something you lacked before. What was it?"

Selene squinted her eyes. "How did you know?"

"Because my prey isn't like any other. So are you going to surrender your love forever, or fight to prove it. I'll only ask one more time, and if you don't give me the answer I'm looking for, then I will kill you. Why do you love him?"

"He taught me how to be happy!" Selene charged at her with a fierce assault that matched Shayley's. "I will never forsake him for something as petty as my life. All I have to do is defeat you and he'll be mine."

For ten minutes Selene threw herself against the maniacal storm that was Shayley. The battle was hard and desperate. She discovered just how much she cared about Callow thanks to the fight. No matter how many times she was beaten back, no matter how insurmountable the obstacle, she found a fire burning in her chest that she had forgotten.


For the first time in her life she could fight for the man she loved in every conceivable way and it felt good. Swinging her sword with all her pent-up frustration was an opportunity she thought she'd never have. Not that fighting the ghosts hadn't been a challenge at first but Shayley was flesh and blood. She could overcome this obstacle with her strength, with her will, with her love.

Only she couldn't.

When Shayley saw Selene tiring she pressed harder and when she found a slip in her defense she grabbed Selene by the neck and slammed her into the ground leaving a crater the size of a small house.

Both women were winded but Selene couldn't deny the fact that this match had been entirely one sided from the beginning.

Selene's body was broken but her spirit wasn't. Just then, Shayley pulled Selene up just enough to headbutt her into the stone ground.

Selene's world spun as she fought off unconsciousness.

"You're a tough one, aren't ya?" Shayley said licking some of Selene's blood on her finger.

Selene couldn't speak since the air had been knocked out of her. All she could do was glare meanly at the seven Shayley's spinning above her head.

"You have shown your strength, Selene Thetis." Shayley straddled Selene with her knees on Selene's arms. "Now let's negotiate."

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