8. Origin of Sweet tooth.

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Cal sat at his desk in pain while Ophelia played in the corner of the room with Tiki. He wondered if his regeneration covered his future children.

He really wanted to start reading those books, but he had so much left to do today.

"Haaaa." Cal sighed. He wasn't going to be leaving this room anytime soon, and with the door broken he wasn't going to be getting much privacy until he fixed it.

He finished his timeline for what he still had to get done. He left what he thought was plenty of time before the time limit, but even he didn't know what might happen between now and then, the best he could do was prepare.

He finished the letters he was working on.

"Finally!" He sagged on his desk.

One letter for the Arachne Stewart, Saltif.

One letter for the perverted Lamia queen,  Elsdith.

One for Waspkin Queen, Verona.

One letter for the lovely beautiful amazing princess, Shayley.

Four letters for the fire clan leaders, Sinder, Diana, and Silvia.

One letter for Kadoka.

And one for each of the building owners on the other side of Peter's tavern.

Now who should I send to deliver them?

Cal snapped his fingers, he knew just who to send for this kind of "quest."

He exited his office, and shouted. "Cabin boy, gloomy bird, Alice, Naomi, lioness, Evie, and Scared-of-boys. Come down here I have a quick quest even you lot can't screw up!"

Seamus, Greffin, Alice, Naomi, Juliette, Yvette, and Jasmine came down to stand in front of him.

"Alright, Noobs!" Cal but his hands on his waist.

"Papa, me too!" Ophelia bounced.

"Of course, okay noobs, and Ophelia and Tiki. This is a simple delivery quest. When adventurers start out these are the kinds of things they do. I'm going to party you up for this one. Cabin boy, bird dude," he pointed at Seamus and Greffin. "You are dark chocolate."

Both of then scrunched their eyebrows.

"Evie, Kitten," he pointed at Yvette and Juliette. "You're butterscotch."

They looked at each other, guess they haven't really talked much since they met.

"Noob, Boy-crazy, Poptart," he pointed at Naomi, Jasmine, and Alice. "You are gumdrop."

"Why am I still noob, and everyone else gets a cool nick name," Naomi asked.

"Don't be like that Noob, you are the first noob, no one can replace you." He winked. He turned to Tiki and Ophelia, "You two are strudel."

He turned to all of them, "Together you are the party Sweet Tooth." He smiled and all of them groaned at his bad humor.

Teenagers, what are you going to do?

"Okay Sweet tooth. This is important so listen up. Noob, you are party leader."

"Me?" Naomi asked.

"Yes, you. Butterscotch won't be going with you very far. Your objective is letter delivery, but these have to go directly to royalty. Wendy! I'm about to send them out, do you have the letters ready?"

A sword stabbed the ground between Cal's feet.

"Okaaay, Anyway-" Cal took a careful step backward.

Yvette spoke up. "Actually, I already have the letters, you were the one that was taking forever." She handed the letters to Cal.

"Perfect, Butterscotch yours is easy, I want letters delivered to the two establishments on the opposite side of Peter's tavern and return with responses, if able, and report anything to me. The rest of Sweet Tooth is going to the castle. Dark Chocolate you are the vanguard, anything happens I want you both running interference. Otherwise you are the studdly escorts. Wendy's letter for you is for Cordilla."

Neither of them looked very happy.

"Strudel, you are to deliver your letters to Princess Shayley, and the fire clan leaders, Tiki you know what this means..."

Tiki nodded her head.

"Gumdrop, you have letters for Saltif, Verona, and Elsdith. Noob." I turn to Naomi.

"Once you get to the palace decide on a set rendezvous point, Once Gumdrop and Dark chocolate are assembled, go to the docks and deliver your last one to Kadoka at Kadoka's Fluffy Dragon. Tell her it's from the Captain, she'll know what that means. Don't freak out if they get excited. Return to the palace and wait for Strudel and then return here in a timely manner. One last thing, Tiki."

"Yes, Master." The blue haired bunny girl responded.

"If anything happens you are to fight alongside the noobs not for them. Hang back if you can. I'm not expecting trouble, but I've never seen anything wrong with being too cautious."

"Yes, Master." She smiled with an energetic wink.

"Alright, you lot, get to work!" Cal ordered.

Cal watched them all leave. They all had mixed reactions, but at least they were getting to it.

Well, it was time to start reading those books.

"MASTER!" Wendy's voice shrieked over the banister. "I thought we talked about this! You can't go sending away all the staff while the others are out on the subjugation quest! We are under staffed, get up here and help the problem you just caused!"

Or maybe reading was going to have to wait until tonight. And he still had to fix the door. "Sorry, I'll be right there."

At least waiting tables was something he was good at. His last job in his old life he worked at a family restaurant. He opened his inventory, tapped the window on the items he needed, and hit equip on his butler outfit. He didn't have the time to put it on the old-fashioned way.

Before Sweet tooth was even half-way to the castle, Wendy had roped several of the regulars, and the elementals that lived there and looked like elves at the moment, into working too. Wendy just had some kind of magic to make things work out.

Many of the buildings in this city had an elemental or two, Cal's guild had quite a few. They helped with the basic maintenance of the city and would engage in the world however they pleased. In the cafe Cal ran there was a full time cook who was a fire elemental, and a few guardian earth elementals who sometimes helped when asked.

Meanwhile, gossip in the café persisted as well...

"Isn't that the Guildmaster?"

"Where are the hot guys?"

"Forget that, where are all the babes-ow."

"Damn, he is charming."

"Doesn't he have a woman?"

"I mean there is his daughter..."

"No, like his girlfriend. I heard he's been traveling the world and has come back for her."

"But I've never seen her, you don't think it's Wendy?"

"They aren't like that, didn't you hear that he's be trying to fix her marriage."

"Okay but I heard he's been turning down the Lamia Queen's advances."

"No way. I mean even with the snake tail her body is banging-Ow."

"I heard that he is really set on going back to the Western Shore, you don't think she's there, do you?"

"You right!-ow! Cut it out!"

"You order." Cal smiled while he set down the food at the table of the disruptive group of friends.

"Tell us guildmaster, what's this mystery girl of yours like?"

"She's mine, and if you ever meet her, it will be obvious." Cal smiled. 

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