131. The Dark Elf Snaps

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It was so embarrassing.

Cal never said that when he applied those 'perk points' that Greffin would turn out like that. She expected just some arms to pop out, not boobs, and a girly voice too. Not to mention all the other changes in her head. It was so frustrating, she felt the power, and her thoughts were so much clearer, but now she could no longer pass for a boy. She'd also been caught lying to her friends, there was no telling what they were going to do. And what was Seamus going to think?

When she looked up Juliette, Vera, and Jasmine were in front of her with sparkles in their eyes.

"Holy crap, you're gorgeous!" Jasmine announced as she took Greffin's hands in hers.

"Is this natural, ugh that's so unfair. It so silky and smooth, I'd kill for hair like this." Juliette played with Greffin's hair.

"Your wings are so pretty!" Vera said as she pulled one of them open. "How are they so shiny!"

At least the girls were satisfied, but Seamus was her best friend. And she was his first friend. How would he react when he found out she'd been lying to him all this time?


Greffin walked into guild with her friends, they were much more accepting than she'd thought, and it turned out that Jasmine had her suspicions, but Juliette wasn't fooled for a second. 'Women's intuition' she explained.

Today, Achilles was going to go over some of the more advanced forms for sword combat. Now that Greffin could hold a sword she should be joining instead of sitting out with Seamus. But Achilles said that it wouldn't be fair to make her do anything advanced when she couldn't even hold a fork the right way. she would tutor her after classes. But she also said that it would be a good chance to clear the air with Seamus who may or may not take her gender revelation in strides like the girls.

"Greffin!" Seamus said from across the guild.

Greffin flinched and looked at him from behind her bangs as if they could provide her any sort of cover.

Seamus jogged over, "Hey, I've been waiting for you." He said.

Seamus was never this active, what was going on? Well, he did have a transformative experience the day before and showed that he knew a whole lot more than he let on.

"Here I am..." Greffin laughed awkwardly as she hugged herself with her new arms.

"I know, so I have a lot of things on my mind and Selene said it might help if I talk them out with a friend. So I thought of you first. I was wondering, how much do you know about girls....?" Seamus looked Greffin up and down.

Greffin could see both Achilles and Juliette facepalm out of the corner of her eye.

"You've..." Seamus put his finger to the mouth and then pointed at Greffin. "... been a girl this whole time... haven't you?"

"Since I was born..." Greffin felt so awkward as she folded a lock of hair behind her ear.

"And now you have hands and feet..." Seamus observed.

"Yep, two of each..." she half-heartedly waved her hands and him before looking away and hugging herself as she wondered why she did that. "... They're really convenient." Why was she being so lame, and why did she care so much more now than before?

"Ah uhn. I think I get what happened. You're much better at crossdressing than I ever was." Seamus said matter-of-factly.

"Huh!?" Greffin couldn't believe what she just heard.

"You're a very pretty girl, I think." Seamus leaned in and sniffed the air in front of her. "You've smell better than you used to too. Either way, this simplifies matters, come on I have a bunch of notes I wrote down while waiting for you that I want to talk to you about." Seamus tilted his head motioning to the table he was using at the far end of the room just under the Café loft overlook.

"Wait... that's it?" Greffin asked when she had finished blushing after he off handedly complimented her.

"Is what it?" Seamus stopped.

"I mean, I'm a girl. I've been lying to you since we met." Greffin protested.

Seamus turned to look at a spot at the ceiling as he thought about that and then returned to reality after his venture. "Occupational Hazard." He shrugged. "I once had to go undercover as a serving girl for a week, it was miserable. It's a lot easier being a boy. Besides, everyone has their secrets."

Seamus beckoned her once again. This was her friend. It took him a second, but boy or girl they were still friends. And maybe... now they could be more. He did call her pretty after all.

"You crossdressed?" Greffin rubbed her shoulder as she followed him. She was still getting used to having hands and didn't know what to do with them half the time.

"It is an excellent infiltration technique after all." Seamus groped the air in front of his chest with a perfectly analytical tone. "Stuffing my bra was especially tricky, as an elf the subtle bounce of the smaller buds can't be ignored. My old colleagues and I were very thorough. But larger ones like Jasmine's are..." Seamus groped a larger set of self-imposed breasts. "...it would be much harder to imitate their delightfully springy quality."

The room froze at the implications of Seamus's statements. Jasmine screamed and covered her chest with a blush. Juliette had steam coming from out of her head. Vera lost all color and Greffin looked down at her newly grown breasts that were now between buds and "Delightfully springy".

Achilles grabbed Seamus by the back of the collar and had a dark image as everyone else feared for Seamus's well-being at that point.

"Hold on there you little pervert." Achilles growled. "Just how many girls have you molested?"

That was when Seamus did something nobody had ever seen him do. It was like he froze in time and the color fell from his face. His dark skin turned green and then red as he actively glared at Achilles and in a moment, he grabbed her arm and swung his body around her. Although he wasn't able to flip her like he intended, but he still managed a leg lock around her neck and arm.

Seamus's body glowed red as one of his skills activated and Achilles felt a drain on her stamina as debuffs began being applied to her. Her body burned as if venom had been shot into her arm and quickly spread to her body. Out of instinct she reached for her knife and the bloodlust skyrocketed in only a moment as it appeared that they were both very much trying to kill each other.

"Fox Art!" Calico jumped into action and began striking pressure points. While simultaneously trying to seal Seamus's skills. Anastasia and Dakota were able to slip in and pry Seamus out of the hold while Throgar wrapped his arms around Achilles and pulled her off Seamus as she thrashed instinctively against the orcs massive bulk.

"Let go of me, orc!" Achilles demanded surprised by how hard it was to escaper the storyteller.

"Calm down, don't you see what's happened?" Throgar urged.

Achilles looked at Seamus and paused when she realized how out of character his outburst was. It wasn't because of some misplaced confidence from the day before. There were two lines of salt water pouring from his eyes.

"I'll kill you! Take it back!" Seamus snarled. "What do you know! I'LL KILL YOU!" He screamed with such ferocity that Achilles' nerves were struck by the intense anger. "TAKE IT BACK!" The dark elf repeatedly screamed as Calico, Anastasia, and Dakota struggled to get a grip on him and contain him as he thrashed like someone possessed. 

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