9. The Princess and her Knights

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Shayley was in a room set apart for her official duties, it was like Cal's only bigger, more expensive, and with lots more paperwork and chairs. 

In the center of the room was a long half moon shaped desk able to fit seven people with Shayley in the middle. Behind her was a large stain glass window designed to look like a top view of the original Pearly City 250 years ago. It let in a cascade of light that bathed the room.

On either side of the room were numerous shelves of uniform books and wooden drawers set into the walls. Between the table and the door at the opposite side of the room were four more straight tables that lined up with the half-moon table making a long 'U' shape.

The four tables could fit two people each and each one had a styled crest emblazoned on their fronts. One for each respective element: fire, water, wind, and earth.

Shayley was a Dravenkin elf, a rare warrior variant native to the dangerous dark forest.

Long trusses of scarlet hair were tied into a single ponytail behind her head revealing her freckled skin. Her green cat eyes bore holes into the long desk in front of her. She was completely concentrating on her paperwork.

She had reddish brown tribal tattoos on her body. The most visible were on her face, two lines came down over her eyes like fangs while one came from the bottom of her chin to her bottom lip. She had on sleeveless leather armor that showed off the intricate tattoos up and down her arms. She wore a simple outfit complete with leather pants, knee high boots, a corset that looked more like armor and a leather jacket. All were various tones of black, white, and brown.

The one thing that broke the illusion of her intimidating warrior aura was a beautiful and intricate engagement ring on her left hand. 

Clera was a common elf with long obsidian hair. On first inspection she was a busty femme fatale in a decorative black and gold dress that hugged her curves. Complete with a long slit showing off a generous portion of her sinful leg. But on closer inspection she had a kind smile and gave off a warm motherly aura. She was sitting on the left of Shayley.

Fauna was a lithe beauty with youthful silver hair and glowing elegant skin. Everything about her embodied the traditional elven ideal of beauty. Unlike Clera, she had deep bags under her eyes, and her outfit was more practical. It was a black and silver design similar to Shayley's but it made for easy movement hugging her curves for silent stalking.

"Clera, Shayley, how do you do it?" Fauna asked laying her tired head on a stack of papers like a pillow.

Clera smiled, "you're the one who works nights, we should be asking you what your secret is." She pressed her hand against her face and tilted her head with an even more warm and cheerful smile.

Shayley hopped up and threw her arms around Fauna and snuggled her face. "Oh Fauna, you just need a little love and you'll be set for days." Shayley had hearts popping out of her head.

"Ew gross, get your love drunk face away from me!" Fauna fought to push away the gushing redhead.

"Something happened with her man last night." Clera giggled.

"Ya I can tell, what did that jackass do this time?" Fauna used both hands to push away the much stronger girl while floating heart kept popping in her face like disgustingly sweet bubbles. "Bleh."

"He's only the greatest most sweet and spectacular jackass ever!" Shayley squealed.

"He only declared his undying love, and properly asked for her hand." Clera smiled.

"About damn time! GETOFF!" Fauna pushed Shayley off of her and began stamping out all the hearts under her boot.

There was a knock on the door.

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