20. 3RR09 *CRI51$

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The sky clouded over and a light rain began to drizzle. A fog began to creep over the city and more than a few elves felt a chill in their bones. If the citizens didn't find their way indoors at the chill they did after the ghosts began singing in chorus down the streets. Behind the ghosts were fiends dressed like pirates who hid their faces with red flags bearing the cursed emblem of the Nightmare crew that haunted the Segaro sea.

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest...




And a bottle of rum.

Drink and the devil had done for the rest...




And a bottle of rum.


A procession of fiends led by a red eyed devil sang as they converged from every angle on an abandoned Inn.

The red eyed devil motioned at one of the specters and they turned into a ball a sickly light that invaded the building to investigate trailing ethereal mist.

It returned from the building and took the shape of a muscular male elf. Vorn appeared to the devil.

"Ninja's await ready to strike, there are no innocents in the building only enemies."

"How many?" The devil asked.

"There are lower floors deep in the earth, this may be a base of some kind since there are hundreds to our dozens. Their level are much higher-"

"Never tell me the odds." The devil smiled a grin that could bleed a dragon. "It wouldn't be fun if we weren't out-numbered. Hear that Nightmares! Let's show them which are better, their ninja's or our pirates."

"But captain-" Vorn tried to argue.

"First mate, Quartermaster, Show No Quarter!" The devil ordered.

[Kraken's Grasp!]

Cal used his power to tie up the enemies within.

Kadoka was already in her cheribum form at six feet tall and now unfurled her flaming wings. Meanwhile, Dakota dawned his mask and launched into the building crashing through the wall like a cannonball. After a hole was made bigger by her flames, Kadoka entered after him.

Cal stepped into the hole after Kadoka. Dark figures swarmed around like shadows. As the fiends invaded the Ninja's nest a glint of steel approached Cal's neck. With a flick of his wrist he blocked it. His own blade missed the black clad ninja only once. An inky tentacle tripped the ninja and Cal pinned him to the floor with a rusty cutlass.

Using a rusty cutlass was by design, it was one thing to spend time cutting down every one but that would take too long.

-Rusty Cutlass-

A cursed Cutlass augmented by a grand artificer. Can only be wielded by a pirate or dread pirate. Made from the cursed metal of dead or ghost pirates this weapon has a 100% chance of paralysis when it pierces the heart of an NPC, a 90% chance against a pirate of equal or higher level, a 60% chance against a player, 30 against a player with a pirate class, and 10% against a player with the Dread Pirate class.

Cal stared into the fearful eyes of the ninja with his red gaze.

[The Gallows After Sundown]

The pirates know the noose for what it is. A symbol of fear and death. The Dread Pirates use the nooses of the past ghosts to slowly steal the life from its victims with the same slow process of breaking the victims neck and dragging the air out their lungs. Sapping Their Hp for power, taking the soul for their crew, and leaving the corpse as a message for his enemies.

A rope from the ceiling whipped down and tied itself around the neck of the ninja. It pulled him from the ground and hung the agonizing man off the ground. His first victim. he saw his mana gauge turn from a solid blue to a twisted blue and black. Cursed mana.

[Cursed Mana bar]

<Click for more details>

Cal clicked it. this was important to his research.

Cursed mana is the heart and soul of every dread pirate as he bleeds hearts and steals souls. Using cursed mana increases the potency of various dread pirate spells and curses enemies so that their souls are claimed for their unholy ghost crew. The cursed mana affects the fate of its victims and leaves a trail of taint that encourages the growth of the unholy spirits. With enough effort the environment can become completely tainted and brought under the control of the Dread Captain. An enemy ship can become your haunted companion, a building can become a haunted base or staging ground, and a piece land can be stained and marked as yours giving your minions a buff. Each tainted zone will grant a portion of power to the dread pirate. Taint the world, rule the world...

Save the world, or help end it...

What will you do Jasper...

[#$^&New Quest%!&(]*&***

^Your choices will impact this world. With the developers gone this world is alive, and as the most powerful player your choices Will heavily impact the world as a whole. Between the scourging of the dread pirate or the patron saint of the Pearly City. You are on both sides of morality. Develop a pearly land, or rule over a world in Peril.

You are a force of nature, a god of death and peace. But are you the world's savior or its greatest villain? #$#$#

The tides of destiny, fate, choice, and fortune flow against one another with you in its throws. Will you fight or flee? #######&&&&&&

The powers-that-be will only give you one chance to run.

Only time will tell.^



"Dafuq?" Cal exclaimed. Another Ninja assaulted him. Cal caught him by the throat in an iron grip.

The ninja began stabbing him to no avail.

"What... are... you?" He asked grunting every word in pain.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the god of death, and tonight I'm reaping." Cal plunged a cutlass through his chest.

[The Gallows After Sundown]

A rope whipped from the ceiling and wrapped itself around the ninja's neck until it hung him from the ceiling.

That's a sick joke, Kami. He thought as he carved his way through the ninja's. We are going to need to have a serious talk about this.

Screams of terror suddenly cut off and the creepy chanting song filled the moonless night.

There would be no rest for the wicked tonight. Or any other night for the victims of the corrupting Dread Pirate.

Tales of the Pearly Kingdom (Pearly Tales Vol. 2)Where stories live. Discover now