23. What are you doing here?

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After about six hours of establishing a training regiment with his disciples, Cal retired to the Captain's quarters. It was only about 5 in the afternoon, but he had left Kadoka in charge. It was time for Cal to get some sleep. He had done some intensive training with the Noobs he even played with Ophelia and the girls when they wanted in the training too. Most of all, it did his heart good to see Ellie playing with them like she was a normal girl. Loca being a Fatebreaker and being unaffected by her godhood was a lucky find.

Saying that she was energetic about her new friends was an understatement. It even tired him out past the point that he feared potions might not help him recover.

His cabin had been dusted out, but from the sounds of things, everything on the ship had been watered damaged except the captain's quarters that had nothing but a layer of dust on everything. The forgotten goddess never forgot about him. An interesting twist.

He just needed

A little


Cal collapsed on his bed and passed out with a smile on his face. Sleep was good.




Cal felt a pressure on his body late in the night, something longer and softer than the petite body of Ophelia. When he tried to move the presence held him down.

The soothing familiar feminine voice hushed him.

"Shush, love. Baby girl is sleeping."

"Shayley," he whispered opening his eyes to find his girlfriend on top of him. "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to sleep. Now go back to bed." She nuzzled into him and he could feel the warmth of Ophelia and her stuffed fox cuddled between them.

"Ow!" Cal pinched himself.

"What was that?"

"Shayley, you are the queen what are you doing here?" Cal whisper-yelled. 

"I was worried about Ophelia, besides Clera is taking care of everything. She's the brains anyway. She's even got one of those fancy rings that makes her look like me when I have to make appearances, she has already been doing it for hundreds of years. She can handle a week or two."

"But you... I... Shayley do you know how busy it is going to be with all the new nobles, and-" Cal felt a soft finger on his lips. 

"Shhhh, Listen love. I'm already here. And there is no way we have time to turn around and take me back. So how about we just enjoy our time while we have some." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. Then giggled as she nuzzled him.

Cal stammered a few more times, but when she moved to kiss him on the lips it shut him right up. There was no mistaking those soft and warm lips as they sent a cold fire down his spine and a thunderbolt to his heart. The ability to see well in the dark was reinforced with his Dread Pirate and Druid passives which meant that he could make out her beautiful face. And the smell of lemongrass was unmistakable.

Her green inhuman cat eyes reflected the little light the room held as the ship swayed back and forth rocking him, and lulling him back to sleep. He didn't have the power to resist the lull of sleep anymore as her delicate fingers traced lines on his face and through his hair. It sent an overwhelming calming sensation through him just like the last time he went too long without sleep.

She had some kind of magic over him, he told her that he existed for her and it was true. She held his existence in the palm of her hand, and commanded the tidal waves inside him to slumber with only the finesse of a finger's touch. In his last moment of awareness he turned his head just enough to lay a gentle kiss in her palm and left himself to her gentle care.


The gentle rays of the morning sprayed inside the window.

Cal woke up to the smell of the woman he loved and the sweet taste of a morning kiss.

He cracked his eyes and was met by two bright green orbs and the most charming smile he'd ever known.

"Good morning, beloved." Shayley kicked her legs gently on the bed. She had draped herself over him.

"Good morning, Shay." Cal smiled. "Hm...? This is my bed... Care to explain what you're doing on my ship?" He glared playfully.

"Just staking claim on what's mine. If it's your ship, but you're my prey doesn't this make this ship my hunting grounds. I'd say that anyone looking for a predator should start at their favorite hunting grounds." She traced her fingers on his chest. "I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, my delicious feast."

She started getting frisky.

"Wait, Shay. What about Ophelia?" Cal protested.

Shay giggled as she got more into it. "Loca and Ellie dragged her out early this morning. Then I locked the door behind them, so we could have some privacy. Don't worry about Ellie peeking on us either. Silvia gave me a few charms for emergencies."

"Emergencies, huh?" Cal winked. But then something else occurred to him. "You know who Ellie is!"

Shayley pouted. "Are you really going to talk about other girls right now." She pointed at her green cat eyes. "Dravenkin see what can't be seen and we wear our souls as armor. We are hunters of everything from dragons to gods. The profane hunters. Do you really think a little godhood amnesia can affect the race known rising against the heavens for sport in the ancient wars."

"You know, by the laws of this world I might very well become a god. Will you still hunt me then?" He cocked an eyebrow as he realize Shayley was quickly becoming his natural predator in more than one way. As her hands roamed over his body in ways only she could, he was also becoming acutely aware of how in danger he was at the moment.

Damn her lips looked good. It had been too long since they had any alone time. And he had some pent up stress.   

"Jasper, my beloved. Become whatever you want, God or Demon, I will never forsake you." Her red hair spilled over his chest like a velvet curtain as she sealed her oath with a kiss. But the kiss was only the beginning. "Besides you just taste too good." She smiled seductively and then began to nibble at his lips with a breathy moan. 

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