120. A Druid is Born

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"Through him you will gain your greatest skills and abilities. Take Hifumi for instance. She is a micro-owl and she specializes in illusion magic. So instead of learning how to throw fire balls I can swiftly evade and distract with illusion magic. This may not sound impressive but consider how effective it was when I used it against you in training."

Seamus picked up the mask and looked at it and then he looked to Yamamoto who was sitting next to him on the couch.

"This is not a one-way street." Cal addressed Yamamoto. "Once you accept this contract and give Seamus power he did not previously have, then you will gain an equal portion of power from him. You will grow alongside him. You will fight alongside him. Consider what roles you will play in terms of attacker, defender, and supporter. With my first familiar he was the primary attacker while I was the defense supporter. While training my second familiar I was in a party with others, so I was the primary supporter for the whole party, and she was my support attacker. With Hifumi I can do it all and because of her passive nature she is a supporting spellcaster and looks so cute doing it." Cal pet Hifumi who cooed happily.

Cal fed her a piece of beef jerky. "Yamamoto, you are aware that I would rather Seamus focus on a support role, but if you aren't confident in your ability to play an attacking role you'll need to provide Seamus with at least a single ranged attack spell."

Seamus looked at Yamamoto and could tell that he didn't like that idea.

"Consider this when you make your decision. You saw me transform in the forest. Do you remember what it felt like to be in my presence?" Cal asked.

Yamamoto visibly shook and cowed at the memory.

"Yamamoto you are a fairly high ranked familiar already. But my first two familiars I contracted with while they were F-Ranked, and what you saw was only a portion of their power that I imitated. The more you give the more you receive. You must have realized right now the kind of person that Seamus is. His dreams, desires, motivations, and the lack thereof." Cal talked mostly with Yamamoto but spoke so that Seamus was keenly aware of the direction of the conversation.

Seamus's shoulders fell. He realized that compared to the rest of the guild he was the black sheep. Everyone was there for a reason but he kind of just followed Cal.

"However, this is the first time that Seamus has ever shown an interest in his own development without my provocation. As you can see he has a lot of potential and dedication, but little direction and untapped passion. He is fearless, smart, and clever. On top of that he is raw clay ready for molding. You couldn't choose a better partner. You claimed that he was unsuited to be a Druid, and that is very true depending on who you talk to. But have you asked Gaia what she thinks?" Cal pressed.

At that point Yamamoto's ears twitched as he looked at the wooden mask.

"You have your own ideas on what a Druid should be, and Seamus doesn't have the first idea on how to start. Make him your Druid ideal, he can follow orders, he has the ability to surpass the limits of his peers, and once you are able to communicate with him the process go much smoother. I can't baby him from start to finish, what he needs is a competent partner. Someone who will stand by him where a master can't. At this point with all of his raw potential and the willingness to walk this path the only reason he'll fail as a druid is if his partner fails him." Cal gave Yamamoto a look that dared him to fail. Cal only dared him for a moment, but that moment was enough for Yamamoto to understand exactly what Cal was saying and the implications of it.

Tales of the Pearly Kingdom (Pearly Tales Vol. 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora