133. The Debut of Lord Perilous

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"Cal-" Achilles tried to ask.

"Achilles, we can't all grow up with a mother that loves us. I don't know what he's been through, but whatever you said extinguished the light I worked so hard to put in your brother's eyes." Cal walked toward the wall that had just swallowed Seamus, but when he was about to walk passed Achilles he stopped and his eye glowed red. "I'm going to go find out what caused them to go out the first time. And finally fix this problem at its roots." Cal walked toward the wall.

"And if it can't be fixed will you kill him?" Achilles asked.

"That's a silly question." Cal stopped in front of the wall. "I kill everything that threatens my family. I have a track record to maintain. Don't forget that. Bond by blood, law, or sentiment; Pray that your brother can be saved a second time, even if it's only for Ophelia's sake." Cal walked toward the wall and when he would have touched it, he walked through it like a specter.

"Wait!" Vera reached toward the wall, and a wall of ghost pirates appeared in front of it.

"There's never a dull moment, is there?" Kadoka laughed nervously with a loud swallow.

"Do you think he'll do it? Kill him, I mean?" Greffin asked.

"The captain does impossible things as frequently as you would sneeze, and he'll even commit genocide like he's having breakfast. There is no saying what he can or can't do. But he'll save him if he can." Dakota tried to reassure everyone.

"Okay, but if he doesn't?" Vera asked.

"He'll kill him."

They turned around to see Ophelia squeezing a stuffed animal fox. "Papa, won't hesitate. He killed all of Ellie's aunts and uncles because they were mean to her."

"Wait... Isn't Ellie the daughter of the god of the sea and the goddess of the sky?" Juliette asked.

"They didn't like mom and dad getting together because they thought their child would be unreasonably strong, so I was cursed before I was even born." Ellie found her hand being squeezed by Loca's.

"There were fourteen of them, each stronger than the last. He even took down the king and his honor guard when they came after him." Loca explained as she and Ellie walked over to comfort Ophelia as she began to cry. "But no matter how many times Ellie's parents went after him, he managed one of his famous disappearing acts. If he wants you and your family dead nothing has been known to stop him. But he wants you to live, his curse is just as powerful. I'm sure Seamus is going to be okay. Right Ellie?" Loca wrapped her arms around Ophelia.

"Cal doesn't want big brother Seamus dead. He could have killed him when they met but if he's kept him alive this long the safest place he could be is with the captain." Ellie wrapped her arms around Ophelia. "Please don't cry."

"No... it's just that... I saw..." Ophelia began to sob. "I don't know what I saw, but it was awful. Seamus..." Ophelia ran toward the door, but she was scooped up by Selene. Ophelia fought her for a second and then broke down into tears and hugged her.

"I know, baby girl." Selene said. "Come on, I know something that will help you take you mind off of this." She cradled her and carried her away. "How about we come up with some ways you can help Seamus when he comes out. You and I both know your papa is a healer, but there is no way Seamus is coming back without a few bruises."


Seamus pulled himself off the ground. Why... why was he still here? Cal should have killed him a long time ago. That's right. Cal didn't know everything. Then it was time to tell him... Everything. It was as good as a death sentence, but if anyone was allowed to judge him it was Brother Calloway. Seamus felt the danger in his bones and got himself ready. He drank the elixir which brought him to full health and stamina, then he equipped his armor and weapons.

He looked at Munin, the sword he was given to defend his family with... the very last person he could use it on was Cal. He felt the studs in his ears, he wondered if he should die as Timid or Seamus. In the end he dressed in all black he covered his hair and face with his mask and hood just like the first time he met Cal. He was ready.

Seamus T. Calphius was about to face death for the second time, but this time everything about the mood was different.

When Cal walked through the wall with the unceremonious grace of a ghost Seamus threw Munin to Cal's feet and held his sword ready.

"An interesting opening move, Cabin Boy." Cal observed as he picked up the sword.

"You said I'd never have to talk about my past, but I've realized that I can't avoid it. After this you'll kill me to fulfill the conditions of justice for what I have done." Seamus kneeled with his hands on his legs in the formal way he was taught when a chair wasn't present, and he had to defer to a superior.

"I see so this is a confessional, seems fitting with my god title. Honestly, first I was fighting a cult because I wasn't a god, and now I am one still fighting that battle. But I guess it don't change what I have to do. Alright, first of all, if you must refer to my divinity, you will call me... uhhhhhh... wow I didn't think about this at all." Cal scratched his chin. "Hold on..." Cal scrolled through his menu and snapped his finger.

Cal waved away his menu. "Brother and sister are prefixes you use for members of a congregation not a god. For the deists to call me 'Brother' is a joke and shows how much of a farce it is. Since I am the God-King of the Perilous, if you wish to properly address me as a deity then you shall refer to me as Lord Perilous."

"Lord Perilous, I have seen, allowed, facilitated, and committed atrocities in your city and against your true believers. I deserve no less than your judgement." Seamus announced.

"Damn, and I was looking for a fight. Very well brother Calphius, I will listen to your sins and make my judgement." Cal announced.

Seamus was shell shocked when he was called brother Calphius. It was not only the most respectful Cal had ever been but the next moment Cal pulled out a tarot card Seamus had never seen before. The Fool.

Cal's sloppy Guildmaster disguise was replaced by the cleanest tailored suit Seamus had ever seen. After running one hand through his short black hair it was instantly styled. Then he adjusted the white gloves on his hands and sat on a chair that appeared under him. This was Calloway Calphius the God-king of the Perilous. He snapped his fingers and a matching chair and table appeared in front of him.

"Please, Brother Calphius have a seat," He set Munin on the table. "Before we start you should know..." Cal ran his finger along the sword. "...I slaughtered Gods, monsters, and families with this sword. I know what it is like to have a dark and confusing past, and I know the treacherous path of redemption. That said, I am not a God of Justice. I am the Trickster, neither good nor evil, I am dangerous because I do what pleases me. Do not presume that the teachings of a blasphemous cult hold any sway over me. So confess knowing that the Brother Calloway you knew and the Lord Perilous that I am, are two different people." 

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