68. Duty of a Wife

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Twilight fell on the first day at sea when Cal returned to the ship. His clothes rained water on the deck, but he looked refreshed as he stretched and took a long gasp of fresh air.

"You were gone long enough." Kadoka said as she walked up to Cal.

"It just took me a while to process how stupid I've been." Cal stripped off his shirt revealing a red mark on his chest and a blue on his hand halfway up to his elbow.

"You got a lot of stupid, Captain. You may need another dunk in the drink."

"Hardy har har." Cal mocked. "Are the girls still pissed."

Kadoka laughed. "Ophelia yelled at them for 'being mean to Papa.' I think yours and Loca's stupid courage is rubbing off on her."

Cal winced. "That's not good."

"Don't worry about it Captain. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Jumping into perilous seas is your forte."

"Ya, but there are some beasties even I don't want face alone." Cal pulled off his pants revealing his boxers.

"Easy captain, I'm a married woman." Kadoka grinned with an easy toothy smile.

Cal rolled his eyes, "then fetch me a towel or something."

It was at that moment that Selene stepped out to watch the sunset. She watched the muscular tattooed elf hottie that she loved as he shook out his wet hair while wearing nothing but a pair of grey boxers. The droplets from his hair created tiny rainbows in her vision against the twilit sky. Her face heated as she couldn't help but drink in his rugged masculine form.

From his wide shoulders to his waist he was nothing but lithe predatory muscle that glistened in the rays of light. A leather braided necklace tied to a small vial hung from his neck emphasizing his strong collar bones and the V shape that tapered off with a six pack that made her salivate. He moved with the easy strength of a hardened warrior. Every move he made rippled a different set of tantalizing muscles. But when her eyes focused on the outlining shapes of his wet trousers she couldn't even think anymore as steam came out both her ears and a two lines of blood spat from her nose sending her flying backwards.

Cal noticed at the last second as he dried off his hair with a towel Kadoka gave him. "What's her problem."

That was when Kadoka face-palmed. "Captain, you're an idiot."

"What?" he shrugged. Cal was the ideal specimen of elven male physiology, but Jasper was a plain looking dork of human who never made the top ten of any hot guy list. He'd been to the beach or pool plenty of times in his past life and never had a girl look twice in his direction unless they mistook him for someone else they knew. He wasn't conscious of the fact that he was of the more attractive elves.

"Selene what happened!" Shayley ran out of the door when she saw Selene collapse. She kneeled by Selene's head. She looked up to see a half naked Cal paused while drying off his hair.

Shayley's ears went red and a dribble of blood fell from her nose. After ten seconds of staring at Cal she shouted. "... Get some clothes are there are children on this ship!"

Cal looked down, "oh I see." He wrapped the towel around his waist hiding his boxers. "There."

To Shayley it looked like it could be easily mistaken that he wasn't wearing anything under that towel, and when she thought back to what she knew was underneath her nose bleed exploded jolting her nose backwards.

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