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The camera pans right. A small house with a for sale sign in front of it stands against a back drop of a suburban neighborhood.The sign has a large red sticker on it that basically shouted what it was saying. SOLD.

Enter left, a blue Nissan Altima. An old car with duct tape keeping the passenger side rear door shut. The car parks in front of the house. Inside the car, a woman stares at the sign.

Woman: Is this the correct address?

[She checks her phone]

Woman: It is. Why would (Y/N) just up and leave without telling me? Unless....

[Her eyes widen as she realizes something]

Woman: The last thing she told me about was her job..... at Freddy Fazbear's. {Shouted} Damnit!

[She slams her fist against the dashboard of her car]

Woman: I thought I warmed her away from that place! Especially because of her father.....

[She shakes her head]

Woman: I did try, didn't I? She just couldn't stay away. She's in the hands of fate now.

[The car revs to life again. With one last look at the house, the woman drives away.]

Woman: {praying} To whomever may be listening out there, please keep my daughter, (Y/N) safe. Her father is a dangerous man. I never wanted her to have anything to do with him, especially after what he's done. That is all I ask. Please.....

[She trailed off]

Your Mother: {out loud} And I hope you burn in hell, William!

And with that, she was gone. Off to go continue her life separate from her beloved daughter. She knows that she can't do much but hope that she will see her little girl again.

Something Immortal,  A Toy Bonnie X Reader(Girl) Story [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now