Chapter 27*

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(Toy Bonnie's P.O.V.)

I woke up and stretched my arm out, looking for (Y/N). All I got was empty sheets. I had sat up and looked around, when my door slammed open. Mark burst into my room, gasping.

"Bonnie... Bonnie, it's (Y/N).... get dressed...." He shut the door and I threw on some clothes. I opened the door and we ran down the hallway. We ran until we reached the kitchen. I flung open the door and there she was, on the floor. She was naked and that scared me. Mark knelt beside her and turned her over. There was a large hole in her chest and blood was leaking out of it. The lines on her face were alot more noticeable because of tear tracks. I noticed some sticky stuff on the floor, mixed with her blood, and immediately guessed what it was. My eyes turned black as I knelt by (Y/N)'s side.

"Who did this to her?", my voice was stilted and jerky. Mark looked at me, his own eyes darkening.

"Enn did this. He took advantage of her and ripped a hole through her chest." He turned back to (Y/N) and placed a hand on her stomach. He closed his eyes. After a minute, they snapped open and they were pitch black.

"That fucker!!" He got up and punched a stack of pots. They fell over with a huge crash. He cracked his neck and shivered. He turned back and I stared at him, bewildered. He growled,

"That fucker ruined my perfectly good design. He put in some.... additions. Fucker screwed her in more ways than one!" My eyes opened wide at that. My face twitched with rage. I took a deep breath and turned back to (Y/N). I put my ear by her mouth and listened. I felt her faint breaths tickle my ear. I sighed.

"She's still breathing... This won't kill her, will it?" Mark shook his head.

"No but she'll be unconcious for a while. This will take a long time to heal." I closed my eyes and tears started falling I put my thumb and forefinger on my eyelids.

"Is there anything you can do?" I felt him kneel down next to me.

"I can close the wound, but her mind needs to protect itself from the physical and emotional pain she went through." I opened my eyes to see Marks hands over the gaping hole in (Y/N)'s chest. I looked into his face. His eyes were no longer black, but bloodshot with tears. The strips down his face were the darkest I had ever seen them. He lifted his hands and the hole was gone. It was still red and her blood didn't magically dissapear. He fell back and I caught him. He was pale.

"I tried to protect her, Bonnie. I really did. She's like a sister to me, the one I never had.... I thought that if I used my own design, she would be safe! I was wrong. The fucker got to her anyway. I could have kept this from happening but Balloon Boy gave me so much goddamned wine last night...." he clenched his fists and I frowned, a few things clicking together.

"I think that was part of his plan... he can control all of us but you.... so he made balloon boy get you drunk so you couldn't do anything. Then, he hid where (Y/N) was most likely to go after..." I blushed. Mark thought about it.

"Shit, you're right.... I didn't think about it like that.... Fucker.... well, you better bring her to her room and lay her down." I nodded. Mark unbuttoned the jacket he was wearing and draped it over (Y/N). I scooped her into my arms and carried her out of the kitchen. Everyone was out there, wondering what was going on. G was right outside the door and when he saw her limp body, his face contorted.

"Enn", he said. I nodded, grimly. His face twisted into a scowl and he stormed off. Old Chica and Chica both had the same disgusted but outraged expressions. Everyone else had mixed expressions of sadness and anger. I carried her to her room and tucked her under her blankets. I pressed my lips to her forehead and walked out of the room. Mark was there. I looked him in the eye.

"I'm going to find this fucker." He nodded, said

"Come on", and we walked out of the hallway. We went in the direction of the prize counter, where we were going to plan how to avenge what Enn did to (Y/N).

Something Immortal,  A Toy Bonnie X Reader(Girl) Story [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now