Chapter 16*

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(Y/N's P.O.V.)
The first thing you realized when you woke up, was cold and pain over your face. At first, you thought you had fallen asleep at work. Then, you realized that you were partially naked and freezing cold. Everything that had happened came back to you. You sat up and looked around you, panicking.

You were in a small, cold, dark room with only a dirty mattress in the corner that you just happened to be sprawled across. You noticed a door just as it opened. You cringed into the corner as Mr.Afton walked into the room. You looked up at him, full of rage and fear. He grinned.

"Oh my, you're a feisty one, aren't you? No wonder Toy Bonnie likes you. Too bad he doesn't know where you are or how to get to you" He laughed a horrible laugh, full of malice. He walked over to you and got down on the mattress in front of you. He put his hand on your stomach and purred,

"Now you're all mine..." You kicked out and your foot connected with his side. It hurt you, more than it hurt him, it seemed. He was very bony. His face twitched and he looked behind him at the door.

"G! Get the rope!" A nervous, masculine voice answered,

"Get it yourself! I am not your slave!" Mr.Afton lifted his hand off your abdomen and turned around towards the door.

"Enn put you in my service!" You were lost at that point. G? Enn? Who were these people? G's voice shouted back.

"Unfortunately for you, I do have a free will and I would rather be back in your..... basement... Get the damned ropes yourself!" Mr.Afton growled, an unhumanlike sound. Her then looked at me once more.

"I will be back. Do not move." He left the room with one more order to the unseen G,

"Watch her." A male head poked through the door, looked back, then quickly went to my side. He had tousled dirty blonde hair, a gold button up shirt with a red bowtie around the collar, he had a pair of blue jeans with rips in the knees, and beat up tan Adidas'. He crouched next to me.

"Hey, I'm G. You must be (Y/N). I hid the ropes from him to buy time. I want to help you. I can get you out.",he whispered. You stared at him, incredulously.

"What? Why? Aren't you working for him? Who is Enn?" He grimaced at the name.

"Enn is.... a robot who you will, hopefully, never meet. You really don't want to. And I owe Enn a favor and he made me do this. I really am on your side, though. I am going to assume you are a virgin, yes?" You nod shyly. He nods

"Do you really want that stolen by a creepy, god-knows how old man who has killed many children, and isn't... quite human?" You vehemently shook your head and wondered about the not being quite human bit in your head. G held out his hand and helped you to your feet. You got sudden rush of vertigo and almost fell over. His yellow eyes appraised you for a moment and he scooped you into his arms. You didn't protest because he felt strong and you knew that it would be quicker if you just let it happen.

G shouldered open a different door than the ones he and Mr.Afton had originally come through. This one, led to a hallway full of doors. There was a chair against the far wall, you noticed for some odd reason. He ran through another door that led out side. He ran down the street and took multiple turns down side streets and alleys. He ran for about half an hour before arriving at an old boarded up building. He went around the back and slipped through the only unboarded door. He went through winding hallways that reminded you of an old restaurant and, in a weird way, the pizzeria.

He ran through the pizzeria, looking around and mumbling to himself. He opened a door and you felt that weird feeling you felt when you entered Toy Bonnie's room. This was an animatronics room. G set you on the black and gold patterned bed set. If this is an animatronics room,you thought to yourself, then this must be an old pizzeria. And that must mean...

You look at G, who was rummaging around in a dresser pulling things out and mumbling to himself. He picked up the pile of things he pulled out of the dresser and laid them on the bed next to you.

"I got you some clothes, some toiletries, and a first-aid kit. You need to take a shower, the bathroom is over there." He said, pointing at the various things. You look him in the face and said,

"You're an animatronic." He sighed and rubbed his eyes. He then looked you in the face.

"We can talk about that later. It's kind of distracting, seeing you here dirty, mostly naked, and wounded." You nod, pick up the pile of clothes and toiletries and make your way to the door he indicated earlier.

"Just call if you need help" He said behind you. You nodded and stepped into the bathroom. You look at the stack of clothes. The shirt was a gold t shirt with a dark brown bowtie decal on it. The pants were a pair of blue jeans without rips. There were socks and a pair of tan Adidas. The shoes looked old but not beat up like G's were. You showered as quickly as you could with being as sore and in pain as you were. You finished and got dressed. You then walked out to where G was sitting on the bed. He looked up as you walked in.

"Good. You're clean. Now come over here so I can fix your face." You had forgotten about the deep gashes Mr.Afton left on your face, although they throbbed something awful. You sat down next to G and he started to check out your face. As he was doing so, he started talking.

"You're right. I am an animatronic. I am Golden Bonnie. Or thats what they like to call me. You can call me G." He noticed different marks on your face and arms. He touched the one on your cheek.

"How did this happen?", he said. These aren't from tonight are they?" You shook your head.

"No, they're not." He frowned.

"They look like puncture marks, like the tip of a knife. Who did this to you?" You replied,

"Foxy. Its fine. Continue please." His face twitched with suppressed rage and he continued in a slightly strained voice.

"So, what made Afton want to kidnap you? He didn't tell me anything." You looked at the floor.

"I think it was because of Toy Bonnie, honestly. I met him on Monday and, for some reason, I feel like I'm in love with him. It's an odd feeling. I don't know why, though. Bonnie called it a connection." G raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Hmm so that's why... I know what you're talking about." You furrow your eyebrows.

"Oh?" He laughed a breathy laugh, breaking out of the dark mood he was in.

"When I was a performer, I felt an odd connection with my partner. He had felt the same way. We went on with normal life. When this diner closed and we were separated, I started to feel empty, as if my organs were pulled out. Well, if I had any to begin with." You just looked at him.

"That's exactly how I feel. And your partner was a male? Are you gay?" G laughed "Oh, I guess so. Or bisexual, at least. I've never been around girls much. I loved Fredbear more than myself and I think he felt the same about me." You closed your eyes, picturing it. A thought came after a moment.

"What's it like, being an animatronic? Is it weird?" He shrugged

"it's OK, at times. Immortality is pretty neat. And yeah, it's quite weird. You would feel weird if you could morph into a large robot animal wouldn't you?" You laughed and thought about it a little.

"What do you look like as an animatronic? Do you look like Toy Bonnie or Old Bonnie if he had a face?" He appraised you for a moment.

"You want to see me as an animatronic?", he said.

"Yes. Well, if you want. I think it would be interesting.", you replied. He said,

"Then please kindly do look away. This isn't something for the faint of heart. And it's very strange." You closed your eyes. After a moment, you felt a light pressure on the top of your head and you opened your eyes to see a tall bunny standing in front of you. His animatronic self had about the same face as Old Bonnie (if he had a face) but with a wide grin, a much rounder head, only half of one ear, a tarnished yellow color all over his body, and a dark red bowtie.

His eyes were looking at you, expectant. He also didnt say anything. Was his model too old for him to have his own voice box? Then, suddenly his head snapped up and looked at the door. He looked at you again. You got the message and closed your eyes. Then you heard G's voice.

"Someone's here, in the diner."

Something Immortal,  A Toy Bonnie X Reader(Girl) Story [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now