Chapter 28°

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You woke up, groggy and sore to a hand covering your mouth. Panic shot through you and you moved to pull the hand off your mouth so you could call for help. You saw that the figure was a girl who looked very spanish. She spoke in a slightly accented voice

"Hey, shhhh. Please don't scream. I just need to talk to you. I'm going to take my hand away if you promise not to scream. Ok?" You nodded and she pulled her hand away from your mouth.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I just needed to talk to you without anyone else nearby." You looked at her and slowly said ,

"Who are you?" She smacked her forehead lightly with the palm of her hand.

"Forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Ismerelda Serafina Herrera, but you can call me Izzie. You're also probably wondering why I'm here." You nodded.

"First, I need to tell you about myself. I too, was a human amidst a whole bunch of animatronics. I was a night technician for an underground facility run by William Afton. Well, the place was under a pizzeria, but that doesn't really have anything to do with my story. Just like you, I found myself in a bond with an animatronic. His name was Funtime Freddy. It was just as quick as you and Bonnie." You sat up and regretted it, instantly. A sharp stab of pain went through you and Izzie reached over to try and help you. You waved her off as you took a deep breath, calming yourself.

"How do you know so much about me and Bonnie?" She gave a small laugh.

"(Y/N), I know everything about you. I know everything that has ever happened in this restaurant, especially in the past few weeks. " Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open.

"Wha?! H-How?!" Izzie have a small giggle.

"Well..... I have abilities that allow me to do things that normal humans or animatronics can't. Let me tell you something, first. I've had my share of problems with Afton. One day, he was going to kill me by luring me into a trap using one of my best friends. Ennard, yes Ennard." You had jerked backwards in surprised, regretting your movement once more.

"I know what you've went through with him. I know what he did to you. The Ennard I know is not the Enn you know. Afton erased his memories and twisted his personality. Ennard saved my life. He diverted Afton's plans and changed my life forever." You cocked your head.

"So, Enn isn't in charge... Afton said he was... But what did Ennard do to help you?" She smiled, mischievously.

"How about I just show you?" She reached her arm forward, palm up and pulled her shirt away from her wrist. You leaned over, interested as she tapped her fingers on her upper arm. Your eyes popped open wide as a small panel on her arm popped open, revealing metal and wires underneath the surface of her skin. Your breath hitched in your throat.

"Wha.... What are you?" She pushed the panel shut and said,

"I'm more than human. More than animatronic. Most of my body has been replaced with synthetic substitutes. My bones are metal, my muscles are carbon fibers, and my heart is is mechanical. This is what Ennard did for me. I can no longer die or grow older. Afton couldn't touch me so he made everyone disappear. I went looking for them and ended up here." It was silent. You didn't know how to respond to that.

"Well, I've been looking for pizzerias because Afton never seems to leave the franchise to do his dirty work. While I was looking around here, I realized that Ennard was involved. Also that he must be keeping my friends nearby because of that." You shook your head slightly.

"Why are you telling me this? What's the point of this?" She smirked and swung a backpack off her shoulder. She rummaged around inside it and pulled out a device with a grey button. It looked a bit like a tazer with the letter E scratched into the bottom.

"This little trinket has all of Ennard's memories inside of it. I call it a hard drive but that's not what it is and I have no clue what it's actually called. I have one for every animatronic I've ever come into contact with. I even have one for you."

"Me?" , you said. "We've never met before!" She poked a finger at your nose.

" Technically, you're right. But I've seen you before. I watched while you were becoming an animatronic, after Mark left. That's when I uploaded your memories, just in case. You never know what could happen. " You nodded, absently.

Something Immortal,  A Toy Bonnie X Reader(Girl) Story [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now