Chapter 19*

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(Toy Bonnie's P.O.V.)
When we reappeared in the pizzeria, released Marks hand and pulled (Y/N) into my arms. I picked her up and swung her around. She was laughing as I did so. Mark and Foxy were smiling. I pulled her close again and whispered, in her ear,

"I thought I'd lost you." We stood there like that for a moment until Mark said,

"Well, I'll see you guys later, I've got some things I need to do. And (Y/N)?", he said. She looked at him.

"We match." He ran his fingers down his cheeks, where the stripes were, waved, and walked off. Foxy was looking at us, deliberating. He signed heavily and said,

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). About the other night. I was being so goddamned stupid and petty. You aren't a bad guy, Toy Bonnie. It was all me and my stupid ego. Again, I'm sorry.", he said, sailed slightly, and left. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged.

I gathered her into my arms and headed to my room. I dropped her onto my bed and looked her over. Her clothes were definitely not hers, I noticed. They had the quality of perfection, but not exactly. Like my own clothes. I looked up at her face.

"Are these... Golden Bonnie's clothes?" She nodded

"He actually prefers G. And yeah, they're his. His old clothes, actually." I pulled her into my arms once more.

"I never thought I would be indebted to my original counterpart. He was the first Bonnie, you know. Well, that I know of. I'm just glad you're ok." I pulled her face to mine, looked into her eyes, and kissed her.

This time, she didn't hesitate like I thought she would and responded vigorously, just about pushing me back into my back. I kissed her for a moment longer, then pulled away. I opened my mouth, to ask a question when the door slammed open. We pulled apart to see Old Chica standing there, panting.

"Afton is here an he's looking for (Y/N)." I looked at (Y/N) again. She gritted her teeth and took my hand.

"Let's go deal with this asshole." I looked at her for a moment, surprised then nodded and we followed Old Chica out the door to the prize counter. Mark was on top of his box when we came in. He studied our faces for a moment, stated off into space, and then sighed loudly.

"What in the actual hell?! Come on, let's go to the show stage." We all left and arrived at the show stage. I heard more footsteps behind us as we walked in the room. It was Golden Freddy. He inclined his head in a greeting then put his attention to the stage itself. Afton was standing there, surrounded by the rest of the animatronics.

They all looked angry. Afton wore his creepy-ass smile. I noticed G, in the corner, looking absolutely horrible. He was pale, sick looking, his face was marred with bruises and cuts, and he had a wretched, pained look on his face. He looked over at me and (Y/N) and mouthed,

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop him." Mark walked right up to Afton, with Golden Freddy right behind him, and got in his face.

"You do not belong here. You need to leave. Now." Afton laughed.

"I am only here because of him. Blame him, not me. He took something from me. " He jabbed a finger on my direction.

"(Y/N) is not a thing, Afton. She is a person. Just like you.", Goldie said and raised an eyebrow at Afton. His expression darkened and his smile twisted.

"Oh, I'm not a person. I'm so much more than an ordinary person, Golden Freddy. She's human, she has no right to be with with any of you in any way other than a nightguard. Or fodder for killing." I growled. G spoke up.

"Afton, stop it." Afton spun around and looked G in the face.

"Wh-what?!", he spluttered. G looked around nervously.

"Y-yeah, you heard me. I know what you were going to do to her. Hell, I saw it. I got her out, saving her and her innocence." Everyone in the room looked stunned. Afton made to hit G. Mark jumped foreward and grabbed Afton's wrist. Mark gritted his teeth, pulled his wrist, and Judo-flipped him. Afton landed, hard, on his back. He coughed, but wasn't visibly hurt. He got to his feet and stalked towards the front door. He stopped with his hand on the door handle.

"You all will regret this, trust me. G, come." G didn't move.

"I'm not coming with you. I cant." Afton looked at him.

"Enn-" G interrupted him.

"Well he can deal with it and so can you. I can't stay with you. Not like this. Just leave." Afton gave the whole room a dirty look and left, banging the door shut behind him. G sighed and sank to the ground. I felt (Y/N) pull away from me. I looked up at her running to G's side. She pulled him into a hug, saying

"Oh my gosh, you actually did it! That's fantastic!" He sighed again and wound his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder. I felt a tinge of jealousy and was about to act on it, when Mark put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's not romantic, trust me. She's comforting the boy who saved her. They're friends, that's it. Also he's very gay.", he whispered in my ear. At that moment, (Y/N) came over to us, pulling G with her.

"Can he stay here? He has nowhere else to go." Goldie appeared next to Mark and said,

"Yes he can. The minute he stood up to Mr.Afton, his room appeared in our hallway. It's just, you can't be a performer. Is that all right?" G shrugged.

"I haven't performed in forever, I think I'm fine." Goldie grinned and placed one finger lightly on G's forehead, squarely between his eyebrows. G's eyes closed and when he opened his eyes, they were darker. Amber, instead of yellow. He winked at me and (Y/N) and walked away with Goldie. I smiled and (Y/N) turned around and put her face onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around her. Her voice was muffled as she said

"I don't wanna go home. I'm scared..." I stroked her hair softly.

"It's ok... you can stay here for the day if you want." She looked up at me, eyes sparkling.

"Really? I can?" I smiled.

"Yeah, you can stay in my room. I'm pretty ure Mark has already modified the camera footage to make it seem like you left." We heard Marks voice echoing down the hallway,

"You know I have!" (Y/N) giggled. I pulled her into my arms and brought her to my room. Almost as soon as I set her on the bed, she passed out. I smiled and went to the show stage just in time for the morning workers. I thought, all day, about the previous night and wondered how all that happened in only one night.

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