Chapter 21*

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(A/N: F/C = favorite color)
(Toy Bonnie's P.O.V.)
We were walking towards the prize room. My heart was beating fast. I was nervous, scared even but not for myself. I looked at (Y/N) and she was pale, but resolute. I stopped us and looked her right in the eye.

"What's bothering you? If you don't want to do this then we can wait." She shook her head.

"I'm just a bit worried... won't it hurt? The guy on the phone said that it would hurt." I shook my head this time.

"Not if it's done right. You need to be unconcious for it not to hurt." She raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged, my cheeks coloring a little. I cursed at myself. How did that sound so wrong?!

"Mark told me a while ago. How the... process works, I mean." She smiled and started walking down the hallway. We reached the prize counter and Mark was sitting on his box. He looked up as we walked in. He hopped down lightly and walked up to (Y/N). He put his hands on her shoulders and said,

"Are you sure you're ready to do this? There's no going back after this." She nodded, determined not to show any of her nervousness. He smiled softly.

"It's ok to be scared. I know I would be if I were in your position. This is your choice. Again, this is your last chance to back away." She closed her eyes for a moment, then shook her head.

"I can't back out.", she said in a small voice.

"Wait! Will i be Freddy or some other type of animal?" Mark laughed.

"No, of course not! I found a bunny suit like Bonnie's but (F/C). Now, are you ready? (Y/N) nodded. Mark looked at me.

"Bonnie, I need you to pick her up. Say a few words if you wish." I picked her up, bridal style, and pulled her tight against my chest.

"I love you, be brave.", I whispered and kissed her. She kissed me back fervently. I pulled away, kissed her on the forehead, and nodded at Mark. He placed his fingers on (Y/N)'s forehead and said,

"Good luck (Y/N)." She smiled for a moment then, her eyes closed and her body went limp in my arms. "Come on, let's go. It's in the back room." I nodded and started walking down the hallway, with Mark leading. We passed the others and they nodded or waved at us as we passed. Chica, Mangle, and Freddy, followed us at a distance. We arrived at back room. I walked in and set (Y/N) on the table in the room. I backed away as Mark walked foreward. He picked up the (F/C) suit and started fiddling with it. When he was done, he looked up at us.

"I would recommend you leave." I nodded, turned around, and walked out the door. As I was shutting the door, I heard Mark say,

"She's going to be ok, Bonnie. She's a strong girl." I smiled and shut the door. I walked a little ways down the hallway and collapsed against the wall. The others sat next to, or near me. Not speaking, but just there. I put my knees up to my chest, my head in my hands, and my hands on my knees. I was breathing heavily and shaking. I had never felt this way before.

The others all put their arms around me in a weird, four way hug that I did not return. We stayed that way for a while. Hours passed and I got more and more worried. Finally, Mark walked put of the back room, looking drained. I jumped to my feet and walked over to him. He stumbled and I caught him before he could fall. He looked at me, his pale face even paler than usual.

"It's definitely been a while since the last time I did that but I did good. Not completely done yet so (Y/N) will have to be unconcious for a little while longer. I didn't get all the springlocks.. but she's fine. I do not recommend going in. In fact, I'm going to lock the door." He shook my hands off, turned around, locked the door with a key that he seemed to pull out of nowhere, and sighed. He just about collapsed, but I caught him again.

"I'm fine.... just tired......" He said feebly. I put his arm over my shoulders and helped him stand. Freddy took his other arm and together, we brought him to his room. Chica and Mangle were right behind us. Freddy and I helped Mark into bed and he passed out. I considered taking the key but I decided against it. I made my way to the show stage. I got into my place.

That day was the last day that we were going to be open. Then, we would be shut down. The place would be boarded up, abandoned, and forgotten about in the eyes of the public. It happened to the old ones. Only, they were needed. We, are not. Not anymore. I was jerky and shaky that day, performing at one last birthday party. Then, it was over. That night, we were deactivated. At least, they tried to deactivate us. It never worked before so I didn't know why they even tried. After a night and a day, we were left alone. Then, I made my way to the back room, to (Y/N) to wait.

Something Immortal,  A Toy Bonnie X Reader(Girl) Story [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora