Bonus Chapter*

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Happy New Years guys! For the new year, I have written a special chapter that takes place during chapter 21. Only, it's from Mark's point of view. I was going to post this story until later but since its New Years, i thought I'd post it now. Enjoy!!

I new what (Y/N)'s decision was going to be. I didn't even need to be a psychic to know. It's was obvious. She couldn't leave Toy Bonnie if she tried. They were to closely bonded. Even so, the bond was incomplete until they were to... I shook my head. No need to think about that now. Or at all. I sat on the edge of my box and stared at the ceiling. They would be here soon. I already have everything ready. I built a special suit just for (Y/N) before we actually met her. I knew almost exactly what was going to happen long before it was going to happen.

The suit I made was (F/C), her favorite color. I made it just like Toy Bonnie's, because I knew they'd want it like that. I was especially careful with what parts I used. I didn't want Enn to have anything to do with her. I didn't even want him to know she existed. It's probably a bit late for that one, but I wanted to keep her safe. She's like my little sister. I looked down at the floor. What on earth was taking them so long? Ah.. there they are. I looked up at them as they walked into my room.

Toy Bonnie looked pale and scared. (Y/N) was shaking but she was determined. Just as I thought she would be. I hopped lightly off my box and walked over to (Y/N).

"Are you sure you're ready to do this? There's no going back after this." She nodded, determined not to show any of her nervousness. I could see she was terrified. I smiled softly.

"It's ok to be scared. I know I would be if I were in your position. This is your choice. Again, this is your last chance to back away." She closed her eyes for a moment, then shook her head. "I can't back out.", she said in a small voice

"Wait! Will I be Freddy or some other type of animal?" That's funny. I laughed.

"No, of course not! I found a bunny suit like Bonnie's but (F/C)."  Yeah, i 'found' it.

"Now, are you ready?" (Y/N) nodded. I looked at Toy Bonnie.

"Bonnie, I need you to pick her up. Say a few words if you wish." Toy Bonnie lifted (Y/N) into his arms, like how one would hold a young child and held her close. He put his mouth by her ear, whispered,

"I love you, be brave.",and kissed her. She kissed him back as if it was the last thing she'd ever do. Good chance, that one.

He kissed her on the forehead and nodded at me. I placed three fingers on my right hand on (Y/N)'s forehead and said,

"Good luck (Y/N)." She smiled and her eyes closed. She went limp in Toy Bonnie's arms.

"Come on, let's go. It's in the back room." I turned and started walking down the hallway. I walked past the others, with a light nod. They followed us at a distance. I went to my little closet where I kept the suit. I turned around, Toy Bonnie was close to the wall.

I walked forward and picked up the (F/C) suit. I messed with the springlocks inside the suit. Did mention that the suit was a springlock suit? No? Shame. I looked up at Toy Bonnie and said,

"I would recommend you leave." He nodded, turned around, and walked out the door. I should say something to ease his nerves.... As he was shutting the door, I called out, softly,

"She's going to be ok, Bonnie. She's a strong girl."

The door shut behind him. I took a deep breath. This is what I had been preparing for.

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