Life Support

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In the ambulance, Lauren was getting stitched up on her leg, and the EMT was looking over her chest. They police had everybody leave the party and come down.

"You guys sure had one heck of a party huh?" The man asks and Ally nods, "Hopefully we don't have to relive this night either."

Lauren winces as the EMT presses on her abdomen, "You certainly have severe bruising from the gun but nothing that won't recover in a few weeks." 

"Nothing we can't get through together." Ally adds and it makes Lauren happy. The EMT smiles and leaves them alone.

"You okay?" Lauren asks as she lightly presses her fingers over Ally's purple cut cheek. Ally nods, "I'm fine, just a little shaken up." Lauren was absolutely amazed at the fact that Ally still looked beautiful as ever.

"You know I heard you." Lauren mentions and Ally feels her stomach leap, "You heard me?"

Lauren places her hand on her stomach, "Once I heard you say you were pregnant, I forced myself to get up...didn't catch who the daddy was." She smiles and Ally begins to tear up, "You."

Lauren hugs her, "You tried to tell me and I didn't listen...I found the pregnancy test, and when Bella told me it wasn't hers...well I hoped and prayed it was yours."

"You're not mad I didn't tell you?" Ally says in her small voice and Lauren does everything to not kiss her cute face, instead she sighs, "I was being an oblivious asshole, also I thought I was gonna have a baby with someone who tried to kill me, I feel like I'm on a cloud nine right now," Pausing her sentence, Lauren gets up, "I'm gonna have a fucking baby!" Lauren yells and everyone near them was looking at her.

"Right on!" A random guy yells from somewhere in the street.

Ally laughs but tries to calm her down while wiping her tears, "I just hope you aren't thrown in jail for shooting Kehlani, don't think I'd handle having your baby if you're behind bars"

"I got that covered." Lauren tells her and a older police man comes around, "Lauren, it's nice to see you're always finding your way into some trouble." The man says.

Lauren grins, "You know me, it's not the first time and probably won't be the last."

"Well stop before your mother starts bitching me out she blames me for your antics, you know I have to tell her I saw you." The man tells her.

"Mother?" Ally questions and the police officer smiles, "Hello young lady, my name is officer Mike Jauregui, I'm sure my Lauren has told you absolutely nothing about me." He laughs.

Ally looks to Lauren, amazed, "So this is how you get away for all the stuff you do."

Lauren nods, "In my case though, this was self defense, right pops?"

Mike nods, "She's right, Ms.Parish was being investigated for abuse towards her workers, and a crap ton more, but that's not the most important thing right now," Mike puts his paper work under his arm and holds out his arm,"It's nice to finally meet you Ally."

Giving her a hug, Ally felt like he could crush her, "It's very nice to meet you Mr. Jauregui, very nice."

"I gotta get back and get some witness statements, Happy New Years babygirl." Mike hugs his daughter,"And stop getting yourself almost killed."

Lauren winces as her dad crushes her but gives him a weak smile, "Sure dad, see you around."

Ally looks at Lauren, "I didn't even know you had parents."

Lauren laughs at her, "They're very interesting, you'll hear my mom yell at me in the morning when we wake up."

"When we wake up?" Ally questions, and Lauren nods, "I want you back home Ally."

Ally steps away from her, "But I was so easy to let go..." Lauren shakes her head, "No it was anything but easy, I was just a huge dumbass and thought I was doing what was best, but dammit Ally you're the best thing that has ever happened to me so baby please come back home." Lauren grabs Ally's small hands and pulls her in between her legs. "Be my girl again?"

Ally bites her lip and smiles, "Are we gonna do more than just wake up together?"

Lauren smirks, "Wake up, go to sleep, make love in every way possible...I have a lot of making up to do." Finally she pushes herself up and kisses Ally. It was a long overdue kiss.

Ally tries not to be affected by Lauren's antics, but the moment she moves to kiss the crook of her neck, Ally has to get off of her lap, "We are in public and you're hurt."

"The pain never bothered me anyway."

With that being said, Normani comes up behind Lauren and hits the back of her head.


"That's what your ass gets for making my party a murder scene!" Mani's angry face changes to a softer one as she hugs both Ally and Lauren, "but I'm so glad you two are okay."

"Yeah sorry that your almost babymomma became a psycho and stuck a knife in your leg but at least your actual babymomma was there to save the day." Dinah says as she eats from a big tray of finger foods and fruit. Lauren gives her a look, "You had to grab the plate of food?"

Dinah pops a grape in her mouth, "Yeah I ain't going into the new year hungry."

The group laughs, and when they settle down, Lauren gets up. "I think it's time to go home."

"So is our Alren back together?" Dinah coos and Ally looks at Lauren, "I suppose."

Lauren smirks and lifts Ally over her shoulder, "She has no choice at this point." And walks off with Ally yelling at her to put her down.

"It's a good thing she's already pregnant because I can already tell you they're gonna fuck when they get home." Normani says and Dinah looks at her plate of food and throws it. She wraps her arms from behind Mani and starts to take her inside, "What do you think we finna do? Come on!"

A/n- omg this story is #2 in the Alren tag! You guys r amazing 🥺❤️

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