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Ally gets up the next morning, earlier than usual, and feels that funny feeling in her stomach again.

Rushing to the bathroom, she shuts the door and goes to the toilet.

She never throws up. Not even when she gets drunk. Maybe it was the lasagna and the wine from last night. This is the third time in a row she's woken up by the urge to throw up.

Ally goes to brush her teeth, and while she's in doing that, the random thought of her period comes to mind. She hasn't had it this month.

She spits out her toothpaste and looks to her stomach. "Am I pregnant?" Ally whispers to herself.

She sneaks back into her room and sees Lauren sprawled out over the bed. She gives her a quick forehead kiss and goes back.

She looks at her app for tracking her period and it says she was three weeks late. "How have I not noticed?"

"Notice what baby?"

Ally looks behind her and sees Lauren rubbing her eyes and walking into the bathroom. Ally turns her phone off, "Notice that we are running low on toilet paper! I'm gonna go to the store real quick and get some!" Ally gives her a kiss and heads out.

Lauren doesn't think anything of it, and shrugs her shoulder.


"Ally I don't really see why you dragged me out of bed, Dinah was so warm." Normani grumbles they walk around the store. "Mani I haven't had my period in three weeks." Ally says calmly as she continues to look for pregnancy tests.


"Mani...I threw up this morning."


Ally face palms, "Normani PLEASE think about what I just said."

Normani looks at Ally, in the middle of the isle, and Ally can see it clicking on her best friends face. "YOURE PREGNANT!" Normani screams and Ally has to shush her because people were looking.

"Mani please be quiet, I don't know that yet."

Normani grabs Ally's hand and drags her down the isle to the feminine products.

Grabbing a box of pregnancy test, she immediately takes Ally to the register to pay.

"Oh my God I can't believe it, I'm gonna be an auntie!" Normani tells the cashier guy, and Ally gives him a sympathetic look.

They leave the store and go to Normani's place, "I told Lauren I was just getting toilet paper and coming back she's gonna be suspicious." Ally says but there is no telling use in trying to leave because Normani will not leave her side till she takes the tests.

"Tell her I told you to come by for something, this is too important!"


Ally and Normani pace inside the bathroom, Dinah was still in bed. "You know I didn't think Lauren could have babies, nice to know her soldiers march."

Ally blushes, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised, we don't use protection."

Normani checks her watch, "Okay a couple of more seconds babe..."

The two girls look at the sink and stare at the stick.

One line is negative, two lines is positive.

Slowly, the two girls see a single blue line appear. Ally's eyes are filled with tears as she sees the second line begin to appear, and Normani screams again, "YAY! YOURE PREGNANT!"

Ally is speechless, she's over joyed. Normani gives her a hug and Ally cries into her chest, "I'm so happy for you and Lauren, you guys are gonna be wonder parents."

"What the fuck Babe?!" Dinah grumbles into the bathroom, and sees the two girls with tears in their eyes. "You're gonna be an aunt Dinah Jane!" Ally says and points to the stick.

Dinah goes to look at the stick and then at Ally, "Holy shit you got a bun in the oven! Ally that's wonderful!" Dinah goes to give her a hug, but it was cut short when Ally's phone rings.

It was Lauren.

"Hello baby?"

"Where you at? You've been gone for a hour, I don't think it takes that long to get toilet paper."

"I stopped by Normani's house, I have something to tell you when I get back home." Ally smiles and holds her stomach.


Lauren finishes her call with Ally, she tried to sound excited for the news Ally had for her but couldn't. She goes back to her office. She sees a text message from Bella.

Bella- Break the news get?

Lauren- Not yet, let me know when you have any doctor appointments I want to be there.

Bella- Of course daddy.

Lauren sighs and doesn't respond. She doesn't know how to tell Ally. The more time that passes the more she doesn't want to say anything.

She won't get rid of Bella, that's the mother of her unborn child. She won't get rid of Ally, that's the love of her life.

Now Lauren is angry. She's not in control. She hates that.

She waits for Ally to get home and tries to change the foul mood she's in.

She sits at the table and eats a bowl of cereal before she arrives. Maybe eating will make her feel better.

Hearing the front door, Lauren didn't even bother to look. She hears Ally's small feet walk across the wood floor and then feels a pair of arms wrap around her, "Hi baby..."

Lauren rolls her eyes, "Trying to eat."

Ally notices the weird tone in Lauren's voice and pulls away. She sits down in the chair next to her and looks at her, "Sorry I guess I'm just a little excited."

Lauren tried to focus her energy on her bowl of cereal. Ally's optimism is a bit too much for her at the moment, "Didn't you have something to tell me?" Lauren asks.

Ally smiles big again, she had the pregnancy test in her back pocket ready to whip out. "Yes but I want you to guess."

Lauren sighs loudly, "I'm not in the mood right now Al-"

"Noooo please, guess." Ally pleads and Lauren groans, "You got good classes this semester or something."

Ally shakes her head and smiles as she readies right show her the pregnancy test, "Nope guess again!"

"Ally I'm sorry but I could care less about anything you tell me right now, for the love of God LEAVE ME ALONE!" Lauren snaps and goes back to eating her cereal.

Ally looks at Lauren, completely shocked that she said that. Ally keeps the pregnancy test in her back pocket and softly walks to the restroom.

She doesn't cry, not until she made it to the downstairs bathroom. She looks at the pregnancy test and throws it in the trash can.

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