Dream Lover

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a/n - i've loved Ally for a almost a whole mf decade HOW are we not married yet.

The next morning, Lauren woke up when she felt cold. There was no little body pressed up against her.

The low lighted hue from her bathroom caught her attention, and she quietly got out of her bed. She didn't want to bust through the door and bother Ally. But what she saw made her heart sad.

Ally had her back to the mirror, and was looking at her back. She saw the way her hands were shaking as they moved across the bruises lining her back. She was looking at the way the cuts, and burns marked her skin.

Turning to face the mirror, Ally ran her hands across the faded bruises and scabs on her chest. Dropping her hands, she stared at herself for a second. Then slowly, her face scrunched up, turning red, tears swelling in her eyes. Ally fell to the floor, and cried. She put a hand over her mouth to silence the violent sob that escaped her mouth, but failed.

Lauren couldn't stand by anymore. She walks in, and hugs the shaking girl on her bathroom floor. Ally didn't seemed phased by the contact. Lauren could hear Ally silently begging God to get rid of the pain her body was in, the pain that took over her mind from that night. 

Lauren carefully picks her up, and Ally holds onto her for dear life. 

"I'm so sorry Lauren." Ally sobs out. Lauren shakes her head, "You don't need to be sorry for nothing Ally."

"N-no this is my fault, I-I should've listened to you, to my heart, thi-this is my karma, my punishment for being blinded by someone I thought who loved me...i was stu-stupid and I-I don't deserve you, these sca-scars show how ugly of a person I am." Ally breaks down and attempts to push Lauren away, but Lauren holds onto her tighter. 

She lays them both back into bed, and rocks the crying girl like she was a baby. Lauren feels dreadful, to know Ally thinks this low of herself, to know this is what Kehlani does to people and her precious Ally was a victim of it. 

"Ally I need you to listen to me," Lauren starts when she hears that Ally calms down, "None of this is your fault, none of it."


"Stop, and listen to me angel, you are the most kind hearted woman I've ever met, you love an asshole like me that didn't give a shit about anything in this world till I met you...you're a perfect in so many ways Ally, these marks on your body baby just represent you're strong, a survivor, nothing is your fault than that stupid bitch who is too fucking blind to see how truly amazing you are and that's why I love you." 

Ally stares at Lauren. She had said it again. She loved her. "You love me?"

"I'd be a fool if I didn't."

She knows the both said it to one another during the shower, but Ally thought it was in the heat of the moment. Now she knows it's real. "I love you too Lauren." 

Lauren kisses Ally, just this time was different. Nothing lustful about it, just pure love. 

When they feel their lungs about to burst they pull away. They pressed their foreheads together, and Ally feels like this is the most intimate moment they've ever shared. 

Nothing that Lauren has done to her compares to how she's touching her skin as if it was pure gold. "Don't know about you but, I think we finally got our shit together." Lauren tells her, and Ally laughs, "I sure hope so." and she connects their lips again, enjoying this moment. 

a/n- ahhhh don't we love happy endings




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