I Don't Wanna Know

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After an hour goes by, the club is closing. She'd be back tomorrow. Ally made the most money of the night. "Angel you sure did the thang tonight, you go girl!" Diamond (Cardi) tells her as she walks out.

"Thanks!" Ally got along with everyone, maybe a little too much with Camila, and not enough with Bella.

Walking to Lauren's car, Lauren holds the door open for Ally. "Thank you." Ally says and enter the car, her feet were hurting. She didn't care, the smell of the car of Lauren made her relax. The smell was like a musk mixed with the rosy scent of the club. Ally found out the rose bushes in the club were actually real. They were her favorite flower. They were Lauren's too.

Ally was thankful her apartment wasn't too far from the apartment. She figured she could keep it friendly till she got home. Seeing Lauren's free hand, Ally had a sudden interest in Lauren's rings. She gently touches her hand, running her fingers over the rings.

Lauren then laced their fingers together. They stayed this way till Lauren made it to the apartments. 

When they arrived, Ally doesn't immediately hop out like she planned to. She stayed in the car, and then looks at Lauren, "I'm gonna guess you're not gonna let me pay for the ride huh." Ally jokes, and Lauren shakes her head, places her hand behind Ally's neck and pulls her in. 

This kiss was nothing like the last one. It was more heated, Ally felt herself getting hot again. She loved how Lauren's hands made her have goosebumps. "Come home with me..." Lauren says through the kiss, and Ally pulls away. She heard Bella's words in the back of her mind.

She looks down, and says, "Lauren I...I think we should be friends, you know keep things professional..." 

Lauren's a bit confused at Ally's sudden change of mind but she doesn't pry, "If it's what you want then I can do nothing but respect your wishes, have a goodnight Ally." 

It wasn't what Ally wanted, she craved more of Lauren. "Be safe Lauren, goodnight." Watching her drive away Ally groans, "Fuck my life." 

Going to her apartment, Ally hopes Normani is okay, walking in she figures she is still up. "Okay babe I heard what happened do you want me to cook so- MANI!" Ally yells and covers her eyes as  she sees Normani strapping Dinah on the kitchen table. "OH MY GOD." Normani yells and falls off the table, and Dinah is shocked but doesn't seem as embarrassed like Normani who ran to the room to put her clothes on.

"Hey Ally how's it going?" Dinah asks and gets off the table, still nude. "Could be better, um how long has this been going on?" 

Dinah shrugs, "Not too long, I'm surprised you didn't know." 

"Um Dinah as much as I adore you, and support body positivity please put your clothes on." Ally is red, and watches Dinah put her clothes on. "Sorry you had to see this Ally." 

Ally shakes her head, "It's okay it happens I think." 

Normani walks out, "I see you're feeling better." Ally tells her. 

"She was making me feel better too." Dinah laughs at her own joke. "Shut up Dinah." Normani says, blushing again. "I better get going, I'll see you guys later." Dinah winks at Ally as she leaves. 

"So sorry you had to see that Ally."

Ally waves her off, "It's okay just please lets keep bedroom activities in the bedroom...and also bleach the table!" 

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