Your love is my drug

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The next day, Ally and Lauren did everything but rest.

They couldn't keep their hands off each other, nothing was holding them back.

The fucked in the bathroom again, then in the bed, then on the kitchen table, now Lauren is trying to get Ally on the couch but Ally refuses because it was too expensive.

"You gotta realize your cum is all over the custom made kitchen table." Lauren mumbles as she sucks on Ally's nipple.

Ally bites back a moan, "It's leather Lo..."

"You'd look good in leather." Lauren tells her and gives attention to the other boob.

"Lauren you're not tired baby?" Ally breathes out, and Lauren bites her nipple making her arch her back. "Mmmmno...I'm addicted."

Their lips were practically bruised, and the way they kept putting their hair up then putting it down, if someone walked in they'd assume they had just fought.

Ally pulled Lauren up to kiss her, and rub her hard on. Lauren liked the feeling of Ally's soft little hands on her. "Change your mind about the couch huh?" Lauren jokes.

Ally rolls her eyes and smiles at the beautiful woman ontop of her. The sun was hitting her face just right, that it made her eyes look like emeralds.

"You're perfect." Ally tells her, and Lauren's cheeks go red. "You gotta stop doing that my cheeks hurt." Lauren says and gives Ally another kiss.

"My cheeks hurt too, you don't see me complaining...and I don't mean the ones on my face."

They both laugh and get back to what they were doing. The playful demeanor changed into a steamy make out, and before the could do anything else, the front door opens.

"Hey bitches you alive?" Dinah yells and immediately screams as she sees her friends on the couch. "MANI THEYRE FUCKING!" Dinah runs out the house like a maniac and Ally and Lauren both look at each other.

They burst out laughing, and quickly go up the stairs before Normani came in.


"It's nice to see you guys with clothes on." Dinah says as the couple walks down the stairs. Normani sniffs the air, "Smells like sex in here, my girl is suppose to be recovering!" And sprays the febreze around the house.

"I'm helping her recover alright." Lauren says and kisses Ally's cheek.

"Grosss...let me record it and get money off of it." Dinah grins and pulls out her phone. Normani yanks her phone out of her phone, "Sorry about her, she hasn't had coochie in a bit."

"Sucks." Lauren tells Dinah and Dinah hits her head, "Shut up its because Normani is doing a body detox shit I don't know so I can't do shit with her."

Normani groans, "I told you, I'm getting rid of all the negative things and souls that have been in my body, you should try it with your whore self."

Dinah kisses Mani, "I'm good, I don't want to get rid of your spirit yet."'

Lauren hugs Ally softly from behind, and puts her chin on her head, "What are you two doing here anyway?"

Normani pulls out a box of lasagna, "Family dinner night, Ally loves lasagna next to waffles."

Ally nods, "It's true, Awww mani bear I love you for that!"

Normani blows her a kiss, but before Ally could "catch" it, Dinah grabs it and pretends to put it on her cheek, "My kisses."

XXX- AlrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora