it will rain

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Ally had fallen asleep in Becky's guest bedroom. When she opens her eyes she sees the back of a strong man.

"Um hello?" Ally says and the man turns around fast, "Oh shit!" He falls off the step stool he was on, and the curtains fall down ontop of him.

"Oh my God are you okay?" Ally goes to the edge of the bed and the man gives her a thumbs up, "I'm good!"

He gets up and dusts himself off, "I'm Julio, Beckys husband, she thought it be a good idea to put curtains in here but I didn't want to wake you." He smiles and Ally smiles back, "It's nice to meet you, is she here?"

He points to the hallway, "Sure is, she's downstairs making breakfast."

Ally goes to the guest restroom and brushes her teeth then down stairs, she smells food.

"Hi miss Ally would you like orange juice?" Beckys son asks with his toothless smile. Ally smiles at him, "Yes that be lovely."

"My name is Miguel! Like from Coco!" The little boy says and points to his Dia De Los Meurtos shirt.

"Miguel baby let Miss Ally sit please." Becky gives Ally a hug, and shows her to the table, "I hope Julio didn't scare you."

Ally chuckles, "No problem I appreciate the curtains."

Becky sits down with plates for everyone and Miguel struggles to put the big gallon of orange juice on the table.

"Ay mijo..." Julio arrives just in time before Miguel drops the orange juice. "Here you go." Julio sits down and Becky pours their orange juice.

"You guys are so kind...I promise I won't be here long."

Julio stops Ally, "No ma'am, you'll stay here aslong as you need, we are happy to help you Ally."

Ally smiles and Becky grabs her hand, "He's right, aslong as your safe and healthy you stay, we can sneak into Lauren's later and get your stuff."


"Becky I thought you were kidding."

Ally stresses and whispers as Becky picklocks Lauren's door.

"She's not home, we will be fine." Becky reassures and Ally is looking behind her should as if she's breaking into a strangers house.

"You said she goes out to the club at this time, she won't be back for hours." Becky unlocks the door and smiles at Ally.

Ally hesitates but enter the house. She forgot that she gave the keys back so she couldn't get in. "I'm just gonna get my stuff and leave, just wait in the car and I'll be out in a second okay?"

Becky nods and leaves to the car.

Ally goes upstairs and gets her bags. She's throwing her stuff in her bag left and right. She hates that this was the third time she had to move this year.

Going to through the restroom to get to the back closet for the last of her stuff, Ally doesn't hear Lauren enter the room.

"You didn't have to break in."

Ally doesn't even look behind her, "Didnt want to bother you." Ally grabs her clothes and attempts for walk past Lauren but she blocks the door way.

"Lauren don't-."

"No Ally we need to talk."

"Talk about what? It's very clear Bella is important to you, shes having your baby." Ally attempts to walk past her again but Lauren doesn't let her go. "You're important to me too." Lauren says.

"You have a baby to focus on...I need to go please." Ally leans her head into Lauren's chest and cries as Lauren holds her.

Ally wanted nothing more than to tell Lauren the truth of her pregnancy but the fear of her turning her away or putting more stress in her life was holding her back.

Lauren inhales Ally's scent.

"Babe where can I put my- oh what's going on here?" Bella enters the room with a bag of her stuff.

Ally pulls away and looks at her, then to Lauren. Lauren groans, "I wanted to give her a better place to stay."

Ally shakes her head, "It doesn't matter, we are done." Ally takes the rest of her belongings to her suit case and packs it all up.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Lauren says as they both go down the stairs.

"To you? As if this is easy for me?" Ally argues and Lauren throws her hands up, "I didn't say that but Ally I had no control over Bella getting pregnant-."

"No control? As if you weren't the one who put your dick in her!"

"We weren't together!"

"Lauren I refuse to feel like I'm second to her or anyone at all, I'm not gonna become between you and your unborn child so please let me go!"

"Yes Lauren let the little bitch go." Bella antagonizes and Lauren looks back, "Go back upstairs!"

When Lauren turns around Ally is out the door.

"Ally!" Lauren runs out, not realizing that it was beginning to rain.

Lauren grabs Ally's bag and stops her. "Why won't you try to talk to me?"

Ally wipes the tears out of her eyes, "Lauren I can't do that to you, I know you, I know this beautiful," Ally struggles to find her words, and places a hand on Lauren's chest, over her heart,"-this beautiful golden heart is gonna love that child to death, I can see it in your eyes that they will forever be first, that's something I refuse to even try to get in the way of and there's no way I'm gonna make that harder for you..."

Lauren tried to talk but Ally pulls away, "You need to take care of Bella, you showed that to me at the club that you are gonna do that regardless, I'm so sorry I just don't think it be healthy for either of us to continue this, I love you so much Lauren." Ally couldn't help but give her a kiss. It was a goodbye.

But before Lauren could enjoy the feeling of Ally's lips on hers, she's gone.

Devastated, Lauren watches her drive away in a car. Lauren touches her chest where Ally's hand just was and feels as if a bullet pierced through her heart.

While this is happening, Bella is standing at the door way, and sends a text to Kehlani.

It's been done, she's broken.

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