I Gotta Feeling

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Dinah and Normani were walking down the street, "I hope Ally goes to the party tonight, I can't believe she hasn't replied to any of our messages." Normani tells Dinah.

"I think I saw her head in the background of Becky's snap, we can go over when we get the rest of the stuff for the party." Dinah says.

They walk in the store and get everything on the list. "Make sure you get the big think of red cups, something tells me there is gonna be a lot of drinking."

Dinah agreed with her girlfriend and gets the biggest pack. "You think Bella will drink tonight?"

"She might sneak it around Lauren, can't believe we had to invite her."

"Lauren did say she wants her to feel more welcomed, I will never forgive myself for actually being nice to her." Dinah complains.

"We do what we gotta do to make our friends happy...even if it is a mistake." Normani heads to the cashier as they finish up.

"Speaking of mistakes..." Dinah mentions and Normani whips her head and they see Bella walk out the store.

Normani looks at Dinah, "I'll pay you, you go." Dinah says and Normani heads off.

Normani walks out of the store to the busy streets of New York.

She follows Bella, slightly behind.

At the end of the street is a very family car. With a very familiar person.

Normani whips out her phone and takes the picture of Bella entering the car. "I knew it."

Normani runs back to the store with Dinah, "I think Lauren is in trouble."


Lauren had been in her study, she was looking through her guns and her vests. She decided to do some cleaning before getting ready for Dinah and Normani's party tonight.

Going to her down stairs bathroom, she had forgot to check in there. It doesnt get used but Lauren looks into the trash and sees a stick.

A pregnancy test.

"Hm, don't remember Bella taking one..."

Lauren leans against the sink, and looks at it. "Why would she need to take another one." She looks at the positive test, and throws it back in the trash bin. The thought that Lauren got Bella pregnant was making her sick.

Everytime she thinks about it, Ally's face just pops up in the back of her mind.

Going over her already clean house, Lauren gets a text message from Normani.

It was a picture of Bella getting in Kehlani's car. "That fucking bitch." Lauren slams her phone on her desk. The countless amounts of thoughts and accusations were running through her head. Anything with Kehlani involved was bad.

Lauren sends her a message saying she will handle it.

As if on cue, Bella walks through the front door. "Hey daddy." Bella says as she sees Lauren at the kitchen table, but doesn't notice the anger radiating from her body.

When Bella tries to touch her, Lauren can smell the very familiar cigar smell on her. "Get off of me, do not fucking touch me."

"Baby?" Bella questions, and Lauren shoves her phone in her face. "What the hell is this about?"

Bella looks at the photo and then at Lauren, and starts to cry. "I-Im so sorry, it's not what it looks like!"

"Tell me what it looks like then! You know exactly who she is, don't give me a reason to not trust you Bella."

Bella falls to her knees, "She has just been there for me, we have always been friends and she was the first to know about the baby, she just checks on me!"

Lauren kneels down at her, "Bella that's my job."

"No Lauren, she checks on ME, not just the baby but me too! You only care to hear what I have to say when it's about the baby!" Bella turns the situation on Lauren and Lauren falls for it.

Sighing, Lauren hugs Bella, "I'm sorry...I promise I'll be there more for you too."

Bella smiles at Lauren, wipes her tears, and stands up, "Lets go get ready!"


Becky, Julio, and Miguel were all getting ready for Normani and Dinah's party. "Ally baby, you ready?"

Ally was still in bed. She had been watching re-runs of The Nanny, and hadn't bothered to get ready.

Becky walks into Ally's room, "Ally..." She climbs into the bed with her and hugs her, "You okay?"

Ally shakes her head, "What if Lauren is there with Bella? I can't face her again."

Miguel runs into the room, and climbs into the bed and snuggles in between the two girls. "Mommy I'd rather watch this than go party." Miguel says and his eyes are glued on the TV.

Becky and Ally laugh at him, and Becky looks at Ally, "We can just do that, nobody should be alone on New Years."

Ally was about to say something until Julio walks in, "Sorry to interrupt but babe you have guests."

Julio moves to show Normani and Dinah.


"Oh my God, I'm so glad you're okay!" Both girls get on the bed and practically smush her and Miguel. "Mommy there is pretty girls on me!"

Everyone laughs, and they pull away. Dinah then smacks Ally's arm, "Why you ghostin us!?"

Ally rubs her arms, but she's still overjoyed at seeing them, "I'm sorry I know, I just couldn't look at my phone without feeling sick."

"Well how's the bean?" Normani says and rubs Ally's belly.

"They're good, they sure do like getting me up in the middle of the night but nothing major yet."

"Why aren't you ready? Girl don't tell us you're not coming." Dinah glares at Ally, and Ally makes a pouty face, "I was but I got really into this show!"

Normani turns off the TV, "Not even Fran would miss out on New Years! Get up we going to get you cute, fuck Lauren and that little toothpick!"

"Mommy what's fuck?" Miguel asks and Normani cringes, "Oh sorry Becky."

Becky laughs, "No biggie, but Ally I agree, we are gonna get you cute!"

Ally looks between all her friends, and feels their support. "Alright let's do it!"

a/n- lmaoo this NEXT chapter is gonna be wild

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