Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart

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"I don't think you're being practical, Ally wouldn't rat you out like that, there is a couple of rats I could name that would though." Dinah says as she stuffs her face with pizza.

"Dinah I don't want to talk about it." Lauren grumbles as she wipes her face. "She chose Kehlani over me, it makes sense that she'd do whatever the sociopath says."

"I don't believe it, I refuse to believe Ally would do anything to hurt you when she is clearly inlove with you."

Lauren flushes, and stares at Dinah, "Now why would say that?"

Dinah, who was still chewing, says, "Laur, I know what love looks like, you're inlove with her and she's inlove with you."

Lauren laughs at her, "Yeah fucking right, I don't fall in love."

Dinah gives her a look, "Really? Then why did you get so jealous about her and Lani."

"I didn't get jealous! I just don't like the bitch, she's pure evil and Ally is too fucking good for her, she's too good for me..."

"You didn't really establish a relationship with her, I mean y'all fuck and you tell her you can't be anything more? Come on Laur, you know that's not right."

Lauren nods, "I know...but what is done has been done, I can't forgive her my club was destroyed and she told my biggest secret to my worst enemy."

Dinah rolls her eyes, and eats her pizza. "Maybe you should talk to her."

"No Dinah, and Normani told me she's at the Dungeon tonight so I just want to forget about her."

As Dinah was about to respond she sees Camila walking down the street. She was about to tell Lauren but then she sees Kehlani.

They were arguing.

Lauren was too busy on her phone to notice Dinah's silence.

Dinah stares, and sees Kehlani try to hug Camila but Camila shoves her off and walks the other way.

Before she could get far Dinah takes a picture.

"Dinah what are you doing?" Lauren snaps Dinah out of her thoughts, and before she could answer, her phone rings.

"It's Ally." Dinah says, and answers the phone.


"Hey D, are you awake?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"Could you come get me from the Dungeon? Mani and I had a fight and I didn't want to bother her."

"Yeah sure, let me finish up here and I'll go get you, okay?"

"Okay thank you, love you be safe."

"Love you too, bye." Dinah ends the call, and looks at Lauren. She didn't look happy.

"You're really gonna get her? She's the reason you're not getting paid tonight."

Dinah shrugs, "I don't believe it, so are you gonna come with me to get her or stay here being a pouty bitch."

Lauren was offended, "I'm still your boss."

Dinah flips her hair, "Does it look like I care? Hurry up and pay for us, I'll be in my car." She walks outside.

Lauren smacks her lips, "What the fu- who said I was paying for you!"


"Ally!" Dinah yells out the window as she pulls up to the club. Ally quickly runs in, "Thank you so much I'm so sorry if I woke you, I just didn't know who else to call."

Dinah gives her a hug and rubs her arms, "Of course Angel, warm yourself up and you can stay at my place we just gotta drop off Lauren."

Ally freezes, "Lauren?" She turns around to see her former boss in the back, staring at her phone. Dinah looks at her too, and rolls her eyes at how anti social she was being.

"So did you like it?" Dinah asks and Ally was kinda scared to tell her about her experience. Not just the club but with Kehlani and how different she was.

"It was alright." Ally says quietly, and Lauren gives her a dry chuckle in response. Ally turns around, "Is there something you'd like to add?"

Lauren's smirk goes away, and she finally looks at Ally. "You have a lot of nerve talking to me, I'm not the one you want to fuck with."

"Really because you don't seem to have a problem with just fucking me." Ally turns back around and Dinah has to keep her comments down.

She then sees her gas light come on, "I'm gonna get some gas real quick, can you two please not kill each other." Dinah parks the car and gets out, leaving the two girls alone.

Ally felt like she was suffocating, and took off her coat. She hadn't changed so she was still in her leather outfit.

Lauren looks at her and stares. She did look good.

"You know it's rude to stare." Ally says, as she feels Lauren's eyes on her.

"My bad, couldn't help but notice how much of clothing you had on."

Ally fake laughs, "Haha very funny, you know you don't have to acknowledge the fact that I'm here, just pretend I don't even exist."

Lauren looks out the window, "If only it were that easy."

Ally looks out her window too, then turns around slowly to look at Lauren. Her face was soft, and she gently grabs Lauren's hand.

Lauren doesn't turn around, but intertwines their fingers together.

"Lauren I need you to believe me, I swear to God I didn't say anything to Kehlani."

Lauren looks at her and leans forward, "I don't think you understand how hard it is, as much as I want to I can't bring myself to trust you," Lauren notices the hickie on Ally's neck, "I wish things were different but it's very clear who you want to be with, and what you'd do for her." 

Lauren lets go and before Ally could say anything Dinah comes back in the car. Ally looks out the window so she wouldn't notice the tears in her eyes.

Dinah could feel the tension through the room, she could cut it with a knife. She decides not to say anything and to just drive Lauren home and then go home with Ally.

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