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Lauren and Bella were still on the rooftop.

"What do I have to do to be her? How come you don't want me?" Bella began to get angry, and was starting to push Lauren back against the railing. "Bella you can't force someone to love you."

"But I love you!" Bella screams, and Lauren doesn't know what to do, so she hugs her. "I'm here for you, I promised you that Bella, " Bella cries into Lauren's shoulder, and hugs her back, "I just don't think we can ever be anything more." she adds.

Bella's crying stops, the fury painted into her red eyes. Pulling out a knife from the side of her thigh, Bella says, "Then if I can't have all of you," She stabs Lauren deep into the side of her thigh, "I don't want none of you."

"FUCK!" Lauren grabs her leg, and falls to the floor. Lauren tries to move away, but she's kicked in the face by Bella. "You just couldn't get over that stupid little bitch! She ruined everything!."

Bella kicks Lauren in her leg, "She steals all my customers from me, she steals you from me! Why is it always her and NEVER ME!"

Lauren tries to crawl in the opposite direction, but is stopped by someone else. She looks up and sees Kehlani standing above her, with a gun in her hand. "Oh Lauren, look at the mess you've gotten yourself in."

Lauren doesn't show any fear, "Why am I not fucking surprised." Kehlani laughs, "You should watch your mouth, don't think you're in any position to be a smart ass."

"Why are you doing this?" Lauren asks, and Kehlani leans down, gun still pointed at Lauren. "Why? Lauren I don't think you realize how much you've fucking taken from me."

Lauren groans, "Ally was never yours!"

"Not just Ally!" Kehlani yells and Lauren is confused, "What do you mean? I have never done shit to you."

"So taking Hayden from me wasn't nothing? I LOVED HER TOO!"

Lauren feels her blood boil hearing Hayden's name again, "She didn't want to be with you, you guys were just friends, that was nobody's fault!"

Kehlani laughs again, and swings her pistol around playfully, "Nobody's fault? It was all yours Jauregui, you couldn't just leave her the fuck alone you just HAD to have her...which is why I made sure if I couldn't have her no one could."

Piecing everything together, Lauren feels her breathes getting quicker, and her hands shaking, "Are you saying-are you saying you killed her?" Kehlani smiles, "Of course I did! and you know what I'm going to do after I kill you? I'm gonna rip the joy out of everyone you love and just for giggles, I'll make Ally my slave and make sure she will never see the light of day again!"

"Don't you dare fucking touch them!" Lauren gets up, blood pooling around, and swings at Kehlani.

"Aww what happens when I mess with the dragon?" Kehlani grins and slams Lauren into the railing, gun pressed against her stomach.

"NO!" Ally yells, and everyone looks back at her. "Kehlani please, don't do this." She begs.

Looking at her, Ally could tell Kehlani was anything but fine. Her skin looked as if she had snorted pounds of coke, it was pale as a ghost, her eyes were blood shot red. "Oh yeah? what's in it for me?" Kehlani taunts.

Ally looks at Lauren, then to Kehlani and takes a deep breath while getting closer slowly, "I'll go back to you...I'll dance for you, I'll stay with you, whatever you want just please let Lauren go."

Kehlani lets go of Lauren's collar, and smiles, "You mean that?"

Ally attempts to smile, "Yes, I mean it with all my heart, just let Lauren live and we can leave and forget all of this."

Kehlani's smile was off, it was wicked, "Liar." she responds and turns to shoot Lauren in her chest and stomach repeatedly. Lauren grabs her torso and falls to the ground. Ally is speechless, and can feel her heart shatter as she sees Lauren fall down.

Attempting to run to her, Ally is stopped by Kehlani grabbing her, "Shhh shhh," Kehlani puts the gun against Ally's neck, "Stop that now, or I'll shoot."

"You murderer..." Ally sobs out, and spits on Kehlani. "Oh Ally...we could've been everything together," Kehlani pistol whips Ally, slashing her face, "too bad you'll have to end up just like your precious Lauren over there."

"Bella you have to stop her, she just killed your the mother of your child." Ally pleads, and Bella and Kehlani laugh, "There was never a baby Ally." Bella says.

"What if I said I was pregnant?" Ally confesses and Kehlani puts the gun down. Bella's face turns red once more, "By who?"

Ally looks at Lauren's lifeless body, and the two woman infront of her were given their answer.

Kehlani points the gun at Ally, and Ally shuts her eyes. "I'm gonna tear that child out of your stomach." She hears Bella tell her.

She hears the gun go off but doesn't feel a thing. Opening them, she sees Kehlani with a hole in her head. Standing behind her was Lauren, holding her fired gun. "When you mess with the get the fire."

Kehlani falls to her knees, then finally to the ground. She was dead. Lauren stands over her dead enemy's body, "That was for Hayden."

Lauren limps over to Ally, and hugs her, "Are you okay?" Lauren asks and Ally cries into her, "Yes, I thought you were dead."

Lauren pulls away and moves her shirt to reveal her bullet proof vest with the bullets in it.

Bella's smile fades, and she gives Lauren a confused look. "Pregnancy test? I haven't taken one in a while, why would I need to see another one."

Lauren takes a note of that and throws her keys to Bella, "Never mind, must've been a plastic spoon or something, must've been a plastic spoon or something, I wouldn't know anything about that shit but I'm gonna go grab the champagne bottle from my study, go start the car."

When Lauren sees Bella walk outside to the car, she quickly goes to her study and puts a vest on under her clothes, and puts a gun in her coat pocket. "Better safe than sorry." She grabs the champagne and leaves.

"I'm gonna feel that in the morning."

Before they were able to enjoy the moment, Bella tries to sneak behind Lauren, but Lauren turns quickly and grabs the skinny girl. Bella looks terrified. Lauren grips her hair, and Bella puts her hands up. Lauren points the gun at her stomach.

"Lauren!" Ally yells, but Lauren doesn't move it. Instead she grits through her teeth and seethes, "Is there a baby?"

Bella looks scared shitless, and shakes her head, " was never pregnant."

Lauren has to take a deep breath, pushes the gun deeper into Bella's stomach, "I want you to leave this city, this is MY city...never let me see you around here again or you will meet the same fate as your little friend over there." She lets go of her and Bella runs off.

Wincing, Lauren touches her leg. Ally goes quickly by her side, and puts pressure on it. "You're gonna be okay."

Lauren grabs Ally's hand, to calm her nerves, "I know that, you're here." Ally looks at Lauren, and hugs her once more, "I love you so much Lauren...I was so scared." Ally cries, and Lauren holds onto her tight, "I love you too angel, so fucking much..."

"3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The couple heard the party from below them, and then they see fireworks lighting up the sky. It was magical.

"But seriously we should get you to the hospital because you're losing a lot of blood." Ally says and they begin to get up. Dinah then comes up the stairs with a box of fireworks.


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