Perfect Two

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"I think this whole situation is stupid." Normani says as she brushes her teeth next to Dinah. 

Dinah spits out her toothpaste and nods, "Same, Lauren needs to realize she wants Ally."

Normani made a face and shook her head, "No, Ally needs to stop flirting with the enemy and trust Lauren."

Dinah turns and looks to Normani, "Mani, it's not like Lauren is making that easy, she has buried herself in a hole, and now she's having issues trying to commit but she wants Ally to stay single? I'd feel the same way, I won't wait for no one."

"She's not just anyone though, Lauren is difficult but Ally should understand that and stop expecting so much from her, she's gonna get her heart broken."

"Don't be stupid Normani, she can't help but want something more than sex."

"People need boundaries, if they don't like it then they can leave."

Dinah is taken back at that comment, "For some reason, I can't help but think we aren't talking about Ally and Lauren anymore."

Mani crosses her arms and says, "Same here."

They had a stare off, until Dinah left the restroom, gathering her stuff and leaves the apartment. Frustrated Normani slams her toothbrush down and gets ready for work.

Couple of hours later....

"Didn't take you for the smoking type." 

Dinah jumps at the voice, and sees it's just Ally. "Oh hey Ally...yeah it's not something I do a lot just when I'm stressed." Dinah sucks on the blunt and offers it to Ally. "No thank you, I just had a shot...why are you out here alone?" The two girls were currently on the top of the Dragon Lair. "I just needed some time to think..." Dinah's face dropped into a deeper frown and Ally gave her a hug. "Whatever it is you can tell me." Ally says and Dinah nods.

"Mani and I got into a fight about you and Lauren but for some reason it turned out to be about us and ugh I like her so much Ally but she just wants sex I feel or she's just scared to really be with me because she thinks she has some commitment issues like if you're committed to this pussy then you'd better be committed to all of me! Right?" 

Ally is taken back by that statement, and tries to wrap her head around it. "Oh um...Knowing Normani and the way she reacts to you I'm surprised she hasn't asked you."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is Normani is a hopeless romantic, she's thought about falling in love since freshman year of high school, but she's a big wuss, I love my bestie but she's a big baby, she's fragile no matter how hard and bad ass she seems...just be bold, she likes to be dominated."

"Oh I know." Dinah smirks and Ally pushes her shoulder then gives her a hug, "Big dummy." 


Lauren is walking around the dressing room, making sure the camera's were okay. What she wasn't expecting was Normani to be in the dressing room, looking like she was about to pounce. "Uhh Mani bear? you okay?" 

Normani looks up in the mirror and sees Lauren, "I guess...just had a stupid fight with Dinah."

Lauren pulls out a chair, and sits, "What about?" 

"Well first it's your fault, you and Ally's because you're both stupid but then it became something else."

Lauren is confused, "Um what? What Ally and I do?"

Normani gives her one of those, 'Are you serious?' face. "Really? the whole relationship going on with y'all is frustrating for everyone, you're having her wait on you when all you really want to do is give her the world, she is the best person you've ever made love to, you spend every day with her like she was your best friend but then it's that one day you realize you don't want to be just besties!" Normani gets a little quieter, "You want to be something more but you're just scared." 

Lauren is still confused, as she's not the best at comforting people, so she pats Normani's back, "I think you're talking about you and Dinah's relationship Mani bear." 

Normani groans, "Fuck you're right...what do I do?"

Lauren sighs and gets up, "Grow some damn balls and work it out after work, I don't need my workers fighting." 

And with that everyone went back to doing their normal routine. 


Dinah avoided Normani, Normani Avoided Dinah, Lauren avoided everyone, and Ally just avoided Lauren. By the end of the night, everyone was happy with the amount of money they made and started to close. 

Ally and Dinah were talking on the MainStage, and Lauren had stopped Normani from sneaking off. "Go talk to her now, I can't take another night of everyone ignoring each other again." Lauren demands and Normani whines. 

Ally notices Lauren pointing at them, and realizes what she's doing. "Hey its time, go get your girl." Ally grabs Dinah's shoulders and turns her around to look at Normani walking towards them. "Um hey..." Normani says awkwardly.

Lauren takes a seat next to Ally, not saying a word. 

"Hi." Dinah says quietly, and when Ally fakes coughs to catch her attention, Dinah turns to see Ally signaling her to 'toughen up' with her arms. 

"Mani I like you." Dinah says very bluntly and loud. 

"We are the only ones in here, idiot." Lauren comments, and receives an arm slap from Ally. 

Normani blushes, but smiles, "I know, I like you too...I'm sorry if you feel like I'm just using you, I'm not, I'm just-."

"Scared?" Dinah finishes, and Normani nods, "Yeah..."

Dinah grabs her hands, "Then we take this as slow as you want, even though we kinda did things backwards, I want whatever you want, along as I'm with you, I don't care I want to be with you."

Normani is taken back at Dinah, she was usually the one that was blunt and straight forward but now Normani was lost at words. Instead of talking, Normani softly brings Dinah closer to her and gives her a hug, then a soft kiss. "I want to be with you too." Normani mumbles, and laughs when she feels Dinah lift her up. 

"Good because I would've kicked your ass if you said you didn't."

Everyone laughs and the two girls leave to the dressing room to go home.

"That was sweet." Ally says as she realizes it was just her and Lauren. 

"Yeah it was." 

There was an awkward silence, then both girls tried to talk at once. 



They both stop and laugh, and Lauren says, "You go first."

Ally sighs, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kicked you out of my room like that, I can see why you're mad about the Kehlani situation and I feel really bad."

Lauren shrugs, "I apologize too, I guess I need to be a little more professional about your private life and respect that you're a grown woman that can make her own decisions." 

"Friends?" Ally holds out her pinky, and Lauren smiles and connects their pinkies, "Friends." 

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