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Ally and Lauren were walking around the snow covered streets of New York together. It was the day after Christmas, so not a lot of people were out of their houses.

"You know most people don't drink iced coffee in the winter."

Ally giggles as she sips her Christmas cookie iced coffee, "It makes me happy."

Lauren drinks her hot mocha, "Of course you'd get the Christmas one, even when Christmas is over."

"It's the day after! Still can be a little jolly about it, and I can't resist the sweets!"

"Oh yes my dear, I know." Lauren says and wraps an arm around Ally. It was slightly snowing. "So when we get back to the house I need to do some business, will you be okay being alone for a while?" Lauren asks as Ally hasn't been alone since the incident.

"I'll be fine, I'll just watch some movies and wait for you to come home." Ally reassures her. 

"Okay baby...lasagna for dinner?" Lauren asks and Ally nods, "Of course my big baby."


The moment Lauren leaves the condo, Ally starts to prepare her lasagna.

She hears a knock, and is surprised since Normani and Dinah were visiting each other's families. Opening the door she sees Camila, with a few bags.

"Hey Ally..." she says quietly, and Ally gives her a soft smile. She hadn't seen her since the hospital, and Lauren had showed her that she wished them a Merry Christmas.

"Hey Camila...want to come in hun?"

Camila smiles and nods, "You sound like a housewife."

Ally laughs, "I wish...what brings you by?"

Camila holds up the bags, "Presents! I really have missed y'all I just needed to get away for a have you been?"

"Better, much much better, It's so good to see you and girl you didn't need to get us anything."

Camila shrugs, "It's nothing much, just some baked goods."

Ally sniffs the bag, "Oh that smells delicious, how about this, you stay for dinner and we will eat those for deserts when Lauren gets back from her meeting, deal?"

Camila nods, "Deal!"


"Bella?" Lauren calls out in the alley way infront of the Dragon Lair.

Bella comes out of from the corner of the alley. "I thought you wouldn't come." Bella hugs Lauren and Lauren is reluctant to hug her, but gives her a slight squeeze.

"You said you had something urgent to tell me? What is it?"

Bella looks at Lauren, and smiles, "We are pregnant!"

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