Can't Be Tamed

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The week was hell for everyone. The club needed to be shut down for a while for reconstruction. The dancers all needed work. Some of them even transferred to the Dungeon. Including Ally.

It was Friday and Ally was performing.

Ally was scared, she still hadn't told Normani or Dinah what she was doing. She tried to text Lauren but she figured she was blocked when her messages would never deliver.

She was currently in her room getting a mini bag to take, and finishing her hair.

"Where are you going?" Normani walks into the room. She had on pajamas.

"I'm working."

Normani laughs, "Girl one Lauren would kill you if she saw you and two the Dragon Lair is closed."

The guilt that rushed through Ally was written over her face, and when Normani saw it she realized exactly where Ally was going.

"Oh fuck no, I know damn well you're not going to the Dungeon? to work for KEHLANI!"

Ally tries to shush her, but fails, "Nooo Mani it's not what it looks like, I know things have been shakey but I need the money you know that and Kehlani said she'd take care of me."

"Bull shit, she's just using you!" Normani was livid.

"How would you know? Mani I know you've never approved of what was going on with between us but i like her and you're gonna have to get over that." Ally grabs her purse and heads to the door.

"You're fucking right i don't approve, you sold out Lauren so quick for that tatted up psychopath."

Ally stops and turns around, "I told you I didn't tell her shit about the things Lauren told me, you said you believed me!"

"Dinah said she believed you, but to be honest you seem real guilty Ally, go ahead and go with your little girlfriend, both of y'all can go fuck yourselves especially with everything Lauren has done for you." Normani storms off to her room, and Ally storms out.

Ally was furious, Normani and her had never fought this bad. She felt a ball in her throat, and the tears she felt fall down her face were hot. Before the elevator doors opened she mad sure she looked decent enough before she saw Kehlani.

Forcing a smile, Ally got into the car. Kehlani pulled her into a hug, and gave her a kiss. "Everything okay?"

Ally's smile fades and she sighs, "I need to know that you had nothing to do with the Dragon Lair."

Kehlani gets serious, "Look, I know Lauren and I aren't the best of buddies but I'd never do anything like that, I'm honest competition, haven't I proven that I'm not that kinda person to you?"

The sincerity in her voice made Ally feel bad for asking. "Sorry, everything is just complicated."

Kehlani grabs her hand, "Im glad you're out of there, I heard a girl died just outside of the club."

Ally didn't have a response, she just let Kehlani drive.

Arriving at the Dungeon, the entire vibe was different from the Dragon Lair. Kehlani's vibe was different too. Ally felt unsafe.

When she saw the cages hanging from the ceiling and the cages across the floor she realized that she was gonna be caged too.

"Wait we are in cages?"

Kehlani notices the panic in Ally's voice, "Yes, but don't worry, it's for protection, nobody is gonna hurt you from there."

XXX- AlrenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora