Get Right

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Lauren goes back in the club. Her head down and avoiding everyone's stares. When she gets to her office, Dinah and Normani are there.

"I don't want to hear a thing." Lauren warns but Dinah doesn't care, "You really let her leave? Where is she even going? You literally love that girl to death why are you letting her leave?"

"Dinah she doesn't want to have shit to do with me, I messed up by not telling her about Bella the moment I knew but that's my babymomma now she comes first before Ally." Lauren wants to stab herself from saying that.

Normani and Dinah look at each other, "You're gonna regret saying that later on." Normani says and both girls walk out.

Lauren doesn't do anything till the door closes, but once it does she yells and throws everything off her desk. "DAMMIT!"

Checking her phone, she tries to attempt to call Ally but her number is blocked. She goes to her social media's and sees she's blocked on their too.

Lauren throws her phone and sits in her now destroyed office.


Ally knocks on the door to Beckys house and prays she's home.

Opening the door was a little boy.

"Oh I'm so sorry I must have the wrong house." Ally says and begins to walk away till Becky comes, "Ally? Baby what are you doing here it's late." Becky pulls Ally inside and gives her a hug.

Ally does her best to not break down infront of the small boy, Becky notices that and kneels down, "My little prince, can you give mommy and her friend a second? Daddy will be home in a bit."

The little boy smiles and nods, "Yes Mami." And walks away.

Ally smiles while having tears in her eye, "I didn't know you had a son." She whispers.

Becky smiles, "He's my pride and joy, I just don't think he's a subject I should bring up at work, but that's not important at the moment, why are you here? You look exhausted, did Lauren hurt you?"

Ally nods, "Not necessarily..." Becky sees the slight bruises on her arms from when Lauren pulled her off of Bella, "Oh hell no I will slice that bitch." Becky yells and takes her hoops off.

Ally shakes her head and calms her down, "No she just had to yank me off of the girl she got pregnant..."

Becky gasps, "She got another girl pregnant?"

Ally nods and slowly breaks down, "She's not the only one she got pregnant..."

Becky looks down at Ally's stomach, and instantly places her hand on her stomach as well, "You're having a baby..." Becky gives her a comforting hug, and soothes her as she cries.

"You stay here aslong as you want." Becky tells her and Ally silently thanks her as she cries.


"Ally girl we are here for you just let us know where you went." Dinah leaves yet another message for Ally on her voicemail after they close the club down.

"Gosh I hope she went somewhere safe, maybe she went back to my apartment." Normani says and leans her head on Dinah's shoulder. Dinah wraps her arm around her and kisses her forehead, "She's smart, I'm sure she needs to be alone."

Normani agrees but doesn't say anything when she notices Bella walk behind the bar.

They watch as she pours herself a drink and takes the shot. "You know a pregnant woman shouldn't be drinking." Normani yells and Bella gets spooked.

She realizes who it is and rolls her eyes, "I'm allowed to have atleast one drink, this baby is killing me."

Dinah observes Bella's body. She knows what her body is like, she's seen her practically naked for months now. There hasn't been not at Least one change. "I know she's skinny but shouldn't something be popping out about now? She is three months." Dinah whispers to Normani.

"That's what she claims...something smells fishy."

"Well Bella did just walk by us." Dinah says.

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