No Good

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a/n- chapter was bout long as hell so i had to cut it in half lol

Lauren was getting her last minute things before leaving the house. She checked herself before leaving, she was wearing an all black suit with a gold chain. She wasn't in the mood to go all out or anything. Especially not with Bella. 

She still felt unsettled with the fact that she had been seeing Kehlani for who know's how long. Grabbing a cologne, Lauren sprays herself and realizes it's Ally's favorite cologne of hers. She looks at herself in the mirror and stares hard. 

"What are you doing..." Lauren asks herself. Lauren didn't want to do anything, she felt broken. If it wasn't for the baby Bella was having she's sure she wouldn't give a damn about anything without Ally. 

Leaving her room, she goes down stairs and sees Bella at her bar cart downing a shot of Hennessy. Lauren knows for a fact that pregnant woman aren't suppose to drink, so when Bella downs another shot, Lauren makes her presence known. 

"Are you ready?" 

Clearly spooked, Bella hides the glass behind her back, "Yes daddy, I'm ready!" 

Lauren doesn't say anything about her taking the shots, instead she asks, "So how come you took another pregnancy test?" 

Bella's smile fades, and she gives Lauren a confused look. "Pregnancy test? I haven't taken one in a while, why would I need to take another one." 

Lauren takes a note of that and throws her keys to Bella, "Never mind, must've been a plastic spoon or something, I wouldn't know anything about that shit but I'm gonna go grab the champagne bottle from my study, go start the car."


On the rooftop of Normani's building, everyone had gathered their for their New Years Eve party. Everyone from the Dragon Lair was there, and some friends and family of both Dinah and Normani's.

"Dinah vagina, I absolutely love those shoes, and OH MY GAWD my little turd where the HELL have you been!" Dante asks and gives Ally a big hug as she walks in with Becky and her family. Ally hugs him back, "I've missed you too, I just needed to get away for a bit, but I promise to not go MIA again."

Dante wiggles his eyesbrows at her, "Good because I need you on that dance floor ma'am, you look so good!"

"Get back to work Dante, I'm not paying you for nothing!" Normani says, and takes Ally away. 

"You're not paying me at all!" 

The girls all laugh, and sit on a nearby couch. "So Ally, you think you know what it is?" Dinah asks and Ally beams with joy thinking about the baby, "I pray for a healthy baby, I could care less if they're a boy or girl."

"It's a good thing girls can't get girls pregnant because then Normani would be knocked up right with ya." Dinah jokes only to receive a slap by Normani, "We are in public Dinah Jane." 

The group laughs again, but when Normani makes THAT  face toward the entrance, the all stop and look. "Oh hell..." Dinah says, and Ally immediately turns back around to face any other direction. Lauren and Bella walk in, and are hugging and greeting everyone. 

"Let's go say hi, get rid of the face babe." Dinah kisses her girlfriend's cheek and Normani fakes a smile and gets up. "We will be right back Ally."

Lauren sees her friends, and smiles, "Hey guys."

"Hey Lolo." Dinah says and gives her a hug, "Oh my GOD is this Armand?"

Lauren nods, "If I was gonna bring anything, of course I had to bring Beyonce's very own champagne."

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