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Lauren and Dinah return to the room, and see Ally and Normani smiling at one another. "I'm so sorry, I love you so much Ally, I was such an idiot for not believing you."

"I was being an, excuse my language, but I was being a real dumb ass too, I'm sorry Mani." Ally and Normani hug one another, and Dinah clears her throat to make their presence known. Ally's eyes directly go to Lauren. She was standing at the door, and stared at Ally. Normani and Dinah felt awkward, looking at both of the girls so Dinah speaks up, "Okay well while you two eye-fuck one another, Mani and I are gonna go find the food in this place." Dinah drags Normani out the room and closes the door.

Lauren rarely feels nervous, but being alone with Ally has either led to them tearing each other's clothes off or fighting.

Lauren sits on Ally's bed, and sighs, "God there's so many things I want to tell you Ally, I'm so fucking sorry for not believing you."

"You believe me? Why now? I don't want you to believe me because I got hurt, I know I was an idiot for not listening to you about Kehlani and I got myself into this mess, but I swear to God I never told her anything."

Lauren shushes her, "Shhh...Kehlani was using Camila the entire time, she made Camila spy on us to figure out how to ruin me and take you away...thanks for picking me this time by the way." Lauren jokes, and both girls kinda laugh.

"I should've picked you each and everytime, even if you don't want to be with me like that I still should've been by your side."

Lauren felt something, hearing that Ally thinks she doesn't want her when it was the complete opposite. "Ally I want nothing more than to be with you," Lauren gets closer to her, "to hold you and kiss you when I want," Ally can't feel the pain anymore, she just feels her cheeks and ears getting hot the closer Lauren gets to her, "I haven't thought about another girl since I've met you that night."

Lauren remembers to be careful because she didn't want to hurt Ally, so ever so gently she moves the hair out of Ally's face, and lightly runs her fingers over her cheeks, then down to her chin, then she rubs her thumb over Ally's lips. Ally craves to close the space between them, but when the door opens, Lauren jumps back.

Dinah comes in with a handful of vending machine snacks, and Normani has coffee. "You guys wouldn't believe how easy it is to steal from the vending mach-we didn't interrupt anything did we?" Dinah notices the flushed faces of her friends, and Normani rolls her eyes, "ANYWAY, here Ally it's decaf." Normani hands Ally her drink and then the rest to everyone else.

"So how do you feel?" Normani asks.

"Better now that I'm in control of my body, I don't remember anything it's just all a blur." Ally winces as one of her burns rubs against her clothing roughly. "Becky told me it was a drink, do you remember taking anything."

Ally nods, and tries not to cry, "Yes I remember after I told Kehlani I didn't want to be with her anymore she gave me a drink as a goodbye toast and then I ended up in the alley...i thought I was dead."

"We are glad we found you when we did...couldn't imagine if something worst would've happened if we didn't find you in time."

"Or if someone not so nice found you." Normani adds.

Ally just hides her face into her hands, "I don't know why I was so stupid."

"You're not stupid, she's just a good liar."

The girls all look at Camila who was standing by the door with flowers. She slowly walks in, "Ally I was the one who told Kehlani how to get into the club, this should've never happened to you...she lied to me too." Camila starts to cry and Ally reaches out for her.

Camila hugs Ally, "It's okay Camila, she manipulated the both of us into thinking she actually cared...I'm sorry you had to put up with her longer than I had to."

"So we can all agree that Kehlani needs to get jumped or be put behind bars right?" Dinah says and every nods.

"I got a few suggestions that we could do." Lauren mutters and Dinah slaps her arm, "I had to stop her from slicing her throat, I think we shouldn't do anything that's going through your mind."

"I have the tapes, this isn't the first time she's done this, she needs to be put in jail." Camila tells everyone.

Lauren pulls out her phone, "I got connections, let me know when to send the text and that bitch will get locked down."

"Make sense you have police connections, you do illegal shit all the time." Dinah jokes and it earns a glare from Lauren.

Ally lays her head back, "I'm absolutely tired y'all, do y'all mind if I take a nap?"

Everyone shakes their heads, "Not at all, we are gonna go talk to Becky, and then check on the club." Normani says, and walks out the room with Dinah and Camila.

Lauren stays because Ally grabs her wrist.

"Stay with me? I feel safe with you."

Lauren smiles, "For you? Anything."

XXX- AlrenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon