My Everything

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Dinah had called Ally almost a hundred times. She was pacing through her apartment. She called Normani, and Lauren to come over.

She heard a knock at the door. The two girls were laughing at the door, Dinah pulls them into her house. "Woah Dinah what the fuck." Normani says, and Dinah shows them her phone. "Did Ally take y'all off her location?"

Normani nods, "Yeah she doesn't want me to know where she's at, then fuck it."

Dinah slaps her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, I've been calling I texted you that she was suppose to come home, and you don't care?"

Normani holds her face, in shock that Dinah actually bitch slapped her. "She doesn't care about us Dinah, when are you gonna realize that? She just wants Kehlani." Lauren defends.

"You guys aren't listening! Ally texted me saying she was ending things, she wasn't gonna dance tonight, she was coming here after ending things!"

Lauren checks her phone and sees Ally stopped sharing her location with her. "Okay, we are gonna go get her then, if you say she was gonna end things then something is wrong."

Lauren rushes out the house, and when Dinah follows she's pulled back by Normani. "Dinah I'm sorry...I was so caught up in our fight I was being stupid..."

Dinah hugs her, "I get it...let's just hope she's okay."

The girl's all get in Lauren's car, and head over to the dragon. It was 5 in the morning, so it was closing.

Lauren practically turns into a speed racer, she's passing up all the red lights and switching  lanes like crazy.

"Stop right here Lolo!" Dinah points and Lauren stops the car. They look down the alley and don't see anybody.

"Hey! You friends with Ally?" They heard someone yell from the distance. The see a little Latina.

Lauren answers, "Um yeah we are, you know her?"

"Yes, I'm Becky, I saw her get dragged upstairs to our private rooms earlier she didn't look right, and then I saw her coming down with Kehlani and I haven't seen her since."

Normani hears something coming from the dark alley. She follows the sound, and looks around. A trash bag moves, and Normani sees a hand. "Guys!"

Normani scrambles through the bags and finds Ally. She looked like she was trying to stay awake. "Ally! Somebody Call 9-1-1!"


At the hospital, Becky, Normani, Dinah, and Lauren were waiting in the waiting room. They had been there for two hours. Lauren was absolutely silent while Dinah comforted Normani who was crying. Becky was there for extra support.

"Allyson Brooke Hernandez?" A nurse into the room. The girls all stand up, and rush to her. "Is she okay?!"

The nurse nods, "Yes but unfortunately we found a lot of drugs in her system, she has multiple burns on her back, bruises and scratches spread throughout her body."

"She wasn't raped was she." Lauren asks, and to their relief the nurse shakes her head, "No ma'am, we did a rape kit and everything was cleared, but we do believe this was an assault."

Becky gets closer to the doctor, "How were the drugs put in her body?"

"We can't pin point that, but they weren't injected they had to have been swallowed."

XXX- AlrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora