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Watching Ally and Lauren leave the club, Camila takes a video of where exactly the key is hidden. She sees Lauren tells Ally it was a secret. 

Walking off before they see her, she hops into the car waiting for her. 

"Hey babe." Camila reaches over and kisses her driver.


Pulling back Kehlani smiles, "What did you find out?"

"A lot...Lauren's walls aren't as sound proof as she thinks either." Camila pulls up a video on her phone and reveals that she recorder Ally and Lauren's entire conversation. Kehlani listens to Lauren tell Ally her biggest regret, her darkest secret. 

"You'd think she'd be over if everyone knew her stripper died on her watch." Kehlani says and sits back and drives back to The Dungeon.

The Dungeon was the second hottest strip club in Manhattan. But Kehlani wanted to be first. She knows if she had a fresh dancer like Ally, she'd really bring them in. And if Lauren's club was gone, she'd be on top. 

"They didn't see you did they?"

Camila shakes her head, "No baby, I was quiet."

"Good girl."

"What are you gonna do?" Camila asks, and Kehlani's eyes turn dark. "I'm gonna let Lauren feel what i've felt for years, she thinks she has so much power...I'm gonna remind her how easily that power can be taken away."

"I'm gonna be right there with you right?" 

Kehlani hesitates for a bit but nods, "Of course, you're my queen." 

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