Say Something

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A/n- lmao y'all gonna h8 me after this one. Hope y'all had a merry Christmas!

Ally had ignored Lauren the entire day. She did everything not to look at her face.

Ally even left a little earlier to the club so she didn't have to ride with Lauren.

Lauren didn't realize she left because she had locked herself in the office. She worked and worked and worked on paper work she didn't even have to do, but she needed the distraction.

Once her alarm beeped to go to work Lauren finally got out. "Ally we gotta go!" Lauren shouts and doesn't get a response. The house isn't lit or anything, it's dark.

There is no sound, and Lauren gets worried. "Ally? I'm not playing we have to go."

Lauren searches the house and doesn't find her. She calls her and nearly has a panic attack. Then she thinks and she checks her location.

Realizing she's at the club, she relaxes. "Fuck this woman is gonna drive me crazy."


Ally was in the dressing room, and Dinah walks in, "Hey baby, you're here early?"

Ally doesn't respond and Dinah looks at her. She notices she's been crying. "What's wrong Ally? Who did it? Do I need to get my glock?"

Ally shakes her head, "N-no..."

"Why are you sad? Shouldn't you be happy? Did you tell Lauren?"

Ally shakes her head, and cries into Dinah's shoulder, "I didn't, she said whatever I had to say doesn't matter."

Dinah held Ally as she cries, "Maybe she was having a bad day, you know what you're gonna do? You're gonna go out and dance your little ass off, and rack em up! Just ignore Lauren till she gets her head out of her ass, okay?"

Ally nods, maybe Lauren wouldn't have said that if she knew how big the news was. Both girls got ready and were joined by the rest of the dancers.

Dinah texted Normani about what happened so Normani didn't bring it up when she saw Ally.

When Lauren gets there, and she's pissed. For Ally not telling her she was leaving, and for making her worry so much.

Walking around Lauren sees Dinah, "Hey wheres Ally at?"

Dinah gives her a look and crosses her arms, "Private room, she wants to be alone till we open."

Lauren doesn't care and goes upstairs to see Ally. One her way up, Bella is coming down the stairs. "Hey daddy." Bella smirks and Lauren rolls her eyes, "Don't, you can't be calling me stuff like that, it's not respectful to Ally."

Bella sticks out her bottom lip, "Please I'm sure she wouldn't mind, besides I'm the one having your baby not her it's all about us now." Bella puts her hands on Lauren's shoulders. "I just want things with us to be okay, I'm so scared."

Lauren sighs and pulls her in for a hug, "Dont worry mama I'm here for you."

"What's going on here?" The two girls whip their heads up and see Ally. She looked mad. Real mad.

Lauren lets go, "Ally, where the hell have you been?"

Ally doesn't respond and walks back to the room she was in. Lauren follows her and hears a door slam. Trying to open it, she realizes it's locked.

"Ally open the fucking door." Lauren bangs on the door, but gets no response. "Ally you better open up this door or I swear to God-"

"Why dont you go be there for your little girlfriend!" She hears and Lauren is getting even more pissed.

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