Dangerous Woman

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Ally wasn't used to sleeping so late on the weekends, she wasn't used to staying up all night either. Maybe this is why Normani always texted back at 4 in the afternoon. Ally was up before 10 because her body couldn't stay in bed. She decided she was gonna get familiar with her new environment.

The first thing she needed was a coffee. She followed her GPS on her phone that led her to a Starbucks that was a five minute walk away. It was fall, and she absolutely loved how the weather felt. She wore a light pink sweater dress with some thigh high boots. 

Walking into the coffee shop, Ally was relieved at the few people there. She ordered herself a pumpkin spice latte. As Ally was waiting for her drink, someone accidentally bumps into her. 

"My bad little lady, didn't see you there." Ally turns around to see the woman who knocked into her. "It's okay, it happens." Ally smiles at the stranger and grabs her coffee. Thinking she was done with the conversation, she walks out of the coffee shop. "Hey I didn't get your name." The same woman had followed her out, and Ally was surprised they were trying to talk to her, "Oh it's Ally, who are you?" 

"Kehlani Parrish." Kehlani smiles at Ally, and holds out her hand. Getting a good look at Kehlani, Ally says, "Don't I know you?"

Kehlani shrugs, "Depends on what you know me from." she laughs, making Ally giggle, "Nothing bad, but I swear you're a professor at NYU." 

Kehlani nods, "You got me, I'm one of the psych professors, sometimes it's fun to run into pretty students like you."

Ally blushes, "Well I'm new to this side of town, and I think i've been in one of your lectures before, I remember enjoying it."

"Maybe you'd want to enjoy another one then."

Ally is confused at this, and stops walking. "What do you mean."

Kehlani checks her phone, then puts it in her pocket, "I'm not busy till ten tonight so maybe I'll give you a tour, show you where everything is." 

Ally bites her lip, and for some reason thinks about Lauren. Shaking that feeling off, Ally nods, "I'd love that." 

    few hours later

Normani, Lauren, and Dinah were in Normani's apartment watching Insidious before they all headed to work. Lauren was completely unfazed by the movie, while Dinah and Normani hid under the blanket together. Hearing the door unlocked made Dinah yell, "DEMON!" 

Lauren rolls her eyes and looks at who was entering the apartment. It was Ally and she was saying goodbye to someone. She had a big smile on her face, a really big one. Ally looks back at the people in the living room and gets shy, "Oh hey y'all."

"Oh it's just Ally, what's up pooh." Dinah says and goes to hug the small girl. Normani pauses the movie, "Where have you been? Who were you saying bye to?" 

Ally shrugs, "Just a new friend I made, that's all, she was showing me around the area." 

"Who is this friend." Dinah teases and Ally blushes, "Just a professor at NYu, she was just being nice." 

Lauren feels a bit jealous. "We live in New York, nobody is ever just nice." she says.

"Jealous much" Dinah whispers to Ally, and Lauren whips her head, "Say something D?" 

Dinah looks the opposite direction, "Nope nothing at all! Anyway Mani come help me get my outfit on!" Dinah pulls Normani to the room, even though they had a good two hours before they had to be at work. 

"So who was she." 

Ally jumps, she didn't notice Lauren get up and walk behind her. "She was just a friend." 

"Just friends don't make you smile the way she did...embarrassed of her?" Lauren teases and Ally gets annoyed, "Actually no, she's a professor at NYU, her name is Kehlani."

Hearing that name made Lauren's smirk go away, "Parrish." 

"Yeah? How'd you kno-."

Lauren gets in Ally's face, "Ally you stay away from her." 

Ally gets defensive, "Excuse me why?"

Grabbing her keys, Lauren leaves the apartment, "Just do what I say, stay away from Kehlani." 

XXX- Alrenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें