Chapter 31 - Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

Start from the beginning

I grinned and we both stepped out of his BMW. We walked up the porch and Zayn walked right through the front door.

"Mom, Dad?" He called out as he shut the door after me.

I stood there nervously waiting for a reply. No one replied but we both heard the patter of feet running on the hardwood floor. There were giggles of excitement echoing through the halls. Two little girls with gorgeous dark hair ran up to Zayn grasping onto him for a hug. The smaller one wrapped her arms around his hips and the taller one hugged his side, her eyes shut. Zayn chuckled and embraced them both in his arms.

"We missed you so much, Zaynie!" The little shouted and looked up at her big brother.

"Aw, I missed you guys too," He kissed the top of her head.

The two girls let go of Zayn and Zayn wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Waliyha,Safaa, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Stella." Zayn smiled at me.

The two girls looked at me with bright smiles.

"Stella these are two of my sisters Waliyha and Safaa," He gestured to them.

I bent my knees to be at eye level with him, "Hi, Zayn told me about you two gorgeous girls. I just couldn't wait to me you," I gave them a sweet smile.

The two girls giggled at the compliment.

"So do you and Zayn love each other if you are boyfriend and girlfriend," Waliyha asked as she rocked her hips from side to side.

I let out a laugh, "Yes, we love each other very much," I stood up and wrapped my arm around Zayn, patting his chest.

Zayn grinned and kissed my cheek. I blushed slightly.

"Aww!" Waliyha cooed.

"Eww!" Safaa whined.

Zayn and I both laughed at their reactions. The four of was walked into the kitchen to find his mother cooking.

"Zayn!" She shouted when we she saw us turn the corner.

They embraced each other in a hug and she gave him kisses on the cheek.

"Hi, mum. I missed you," Zayn said as he pulled away.

She took his face in her hands, "I missed you too, Hun." She took her hands away and looked at me, "And you must be Stella!"

"Yes, that's me," I smiled politely.

She walked to me and gave me a hug, "I'm Patricia. It's so very nice to meet you dear. Zayn has told me so much about you." She rubbed my arms with her hands.

"Has he?" I smirked and glanced at Zayn.

His mother laughed and lowered her voice, "I'll tell you everything later."

"I can't wait," I laughed and gave Zayn a wink.

His mother went back to cooking and Zayn and I sat down at the table while Waliyha and Safaa went to go watch TV.

"So where's dad and Doniya?" Zayn asked as he played with the pepper shaker in his hands.

"They went to pick up some things for dinner. They should be back any minute now." She replied while cutting up carrots.

Zayn nodded. Just a few moments later, we heard the sound of a door opening and closing and two people walked through the doorway.

"Zayn!" The girl who also had gorgeous dark hair squealed.

Zayn got up and wrapped her into a right hug, "Hey Doniya long time no see!"

Doniya giggled and freed herself from his grasp. His dad them came up and hugged him.

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