Scrapbook Part 1

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Jackson grabbed all the scrapbooks he could see, he knew all these scrapbooks by heart, for he had always cherished these memories.

But he saw a peculiar scrapbook, with the color of pink. He grabbed it too, as he scurried of to the master bedroom. Where his parents usually sleep.

Sitting down on the warm and comfy cushion of the bed, Jackson was about to turn one page of the scrapbook, until he heard a knock on the door. Letting out a little sigh, he went over to the door and turned the door knob, revealing a smiling Jungkook.

Jungkook's smile faded when he saw the look on Jackson's face. It hurts him to see his friend cry. Seeing as this was the only solution Jungkook could think for, Jungkook engulfed Jackson in a hug. Embracing his friend as he noticed that Jackson was relaxing in his touch.

Jungkook dragged Jackson in the room. When they got there, Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as he saw the scrapbooks sprawled around the bed. Jackson seemed to notice this so he promised to explain it to Jungkook.

"Jackson, what happened?" Jungkook asked. And with that, Jackson started explaining. Everything. Everything that happened and everything that  he had been going through.

Jackson POV

I explained everything to Jungkook. Of course, not missing to see his reactions. I was so afraid. What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore? What if he tells this to everyone and they all end up leaving me. The thoughts were running through my head until I heard Jungkook say something.

"I'm not leaving you, Jackson. Nor my hyungd and the others" he gently said. It made me calm. What could I do without you?

Jungkook say beside me as I grabbed the first book. It had a blue cover on it, and also a few glitters to make it sparkly. I turned on the first page and saw a picture of me and my parents. I was only 3 months at that time. I was in mom's arms as dad was hugging us both. Jungkook also smiled at the picture. Turning to the other page, it was me on my 1st birthday. It was a picture of me smiling. Difference is that I didn't have teeth at that time. I was toothless.

And right next to me was one of my best friends, Sehun. He was smiling cutely as he was wearing a birthday hat. Jackson and Jungkook smiled. As time passed, Jackson turned the psged over and over again. Grabbing another scrapbook as he looked at his memories. It was getting late, so Jungkook had to go.

Then, it was Jackson alone again. He was already crying at that point. Recalling the memories. He finished all of the books. Except one. The last scrapbook was the peculiar one.

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