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Today was a weekend. This was the best day that Jackson could investigate more further about his father. He didn't give a fuck about that damn death threat. His father's case was far more important.

"I'm going to work, son!" Jackson heard his father's voice echoing the hallways. And after that voice followed the sound of their front door closing as Jackson was alone at the house. His mother was at the markwt. It's very early but Mrs. Wang didn't make to wait in  lines so she insisted on buying groceries this early.

Jackson, after finding out that the coast was clear, went to his father's office quietly. Now starting his whole day of investigation. He went to the portrait to input the pascode: AMSTERDAM. But halted when he got near to the painting. There was noting. How could he input a pascode when there's no place to input it?

He sighed in frustration. Thinking that maybe he was just assuming something that can't be real and that maybe his father was just hiding a stash of chips or something. Until he suddenly remembered that it wasn't a pass code, it was a padlock. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Thinking, how would Jackson be able to open that damn painting?

He looked around, his eyes wondering around the room. But yet he couldn't find anything. Until one certain thing caught his eye. It was a calendar. The background was AMSTERDAM. Jackson went to the calendar and scanned on it carefully. Once he saw nothing, he threw the calendar out of rage. Which revealed a safe. But this time it has a keyboard on it. He typed the expected pass code and the safe opened up. Revealing a gun inside and a key. He got the key and ent to the painting. He entered that key inside the lock and fi ally the painting moved automatically making revealing a hole in the wall that was full of money. Jackson had no time to gasp or do anything in particular as he heard a loud voice boom through his ears. Jackson turned around and there was his father. Standing there, looking furious.

Sorry that's its short hehe😅

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