Preview on the next chapter

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Jungkook and Jackson has definitely not been okay this whole week. Of course Jungkook waa happy that he had gotten to meet his biological parents, ha managed to know who he is, and he also knows that his girlfriend is y/n. And he was definitely overjoyed when his parents forgave Jackson. But his happiness was short lived because once he opened the TV, the news channel came flashing in telling him that his hyung's, his girlfriend. Has been also missing the past few days. Jungkook spent his days crying as blamed himself. Telling him that if he didn't worry about finding his parents first then he would've had the chance to help them. But no, he thinks he is selfish and self centered.

Jackson wasn't doing good also. He was also devestated that the others were taken. He should've have helped. And he blames himself for everything. Telling that he shouldn't have told them everything that day then they wouldn't have been in this mess. Jackson has also been getting woerd feelings now and then. He was feeling as if someone was watching him. Any minute that someone could spring out of a certain place and slit his throat.

Until the news have officially told them that the boys have reported to the police, Jackson and Jungkook went over to AE Mi's house to visit the others.

Y/n still doesn't know that Jungkook is her boyfriend,nor that Jungkook knows who he really is. She's about to find out.

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