Do You Need An Umbrella?

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Me and Jin oppa just finished cleaning and we heard the sound of water hitting our roof and water slowly staining our glass windows. Suddenly it hit me, Jungkook! He was still out there in the rain.

I grabbed my extra large umbrella and bolted outside the door and into the rain. The raindrops hitting the top of the umbrella making a slight sound. I started walking to where Jungkook's direction was when he was walking home. Then In the rain, I saw a boy walking around. I took a step closer and realized That it was Jungkook!

I ran towards him and sheltered him with my umbrella, he looked  at me, surprised to see me here.

"Cmon Jungkook, lets get you to my place first, since it's the only closest shelter we can find from the rain." he nodded and we both went to my house.

Once we opened the door, Jin came towards us and gave Jungkook a warm blanket and we invited him to stay here at my place.

" here's a towel Jungkook, and the guest room is just across my room"

He nodded and grabbed the towel that I was offering earlier.

Jungkook POV

I went inside the bathroom and decided to just have a bath today. Im going to shower tomorrow. I turned on the water and mixed it with the just right temperature for me. I climbed inside, relaxing as my skin meet the warm soothing water.

After a few minutes, I decided to get off so I grabbed my towel and went to the guest room and saw that y/n has some clothes prepared for me. This must be Jin's. But it was a perfect fit, I knew that Jin hyung was definitely bigger than me.

I shrugged it off and just wore it. I went to y/n's room to hangout and she was more than happy to do it. We decided to have a movie marathon downstairs.

We chose Iron Man since me and y/n both suggested it. After time of watching, I felt weight on my shoulder, I saw that y/n was already asleep. I checked her out. She was so pretty. I moved some of the hair that keeps blocking the beauty of this woman. I smiled when I saw a full view of her face. I brought my hand and lightly caressed her soft porcelain skin. And played with her long silky black hair. She was perfect.

I think I'm starting to fall for her. And I wonder, could she be my girlfriend that the students have told me about? Could she be the girl I have always love before I lost my memory?

Well, I cant just jump into conclusions, at least hope.

Wait for me y/n....

I promise. I will try to get my memories back. And if you end up being my girlfriend, I'll give all the love. I'll spoil you with everything you want. I'd give you the world.


I was in my room while the two were watching Iron Man downstairs. I decided to drink some water since I'm thirsty. When I got downstairs, I cooed at the two in front of me.

It was an image I missed when Jungkook would always be with y/n. I know deep in my heart that the boy who is cuddling with my sister is actually Jeon Jungkook who just lost his memory. My youngest dongsaeng and my sister's boyfriend. I mean think about it, how would Jeon Jungkook go missing suddenly and a new one which goes by the name Song Jungkook appear so suddenly?

I left the two alone since it was wierd to just stare at them. Then proceeded to drink water and climb upstairs.


Me and Jungkook were watching a movie peacefully. It was at the action part of the movie when my eyes started to close, and leaned my head on a broad shoulder.


I woke up with the TV closed and a blackest on top of me. I looked to my right and saw Jungkook sleeping too. I smiled, he looks so  handsome like that I really miss my Jungkook. I looked outside and found out that it was till dark so I decided to check the time.

1:30 am

It was still super early so I slept. Leaning into Jungkook's touch once more.

Jungkook POV

I woke up when I found that the weight on my shoulder suddenly dissapeared. I opened my eyes to be met with a sleepy looking y/n. It looked like she was checking the time. I'm sure it was pretty dark outside so I decided to sleep once more. Being a little startled when y/n suddenly leaned on me. It kinda surprised me at first but eventually wrapped my arms around her along with the blanket to keep her warm.


The smell of pancakes ran into me and immediately my eyes fluttered open. Leaning away from Jungkook. I went into the kitchen and found Jin oppa cooking pancakes and flipping it.

"you two seemed to have a sweet night..." Jin oppa looked at me with a teasing smile.

I playfully hit his arm and went back to the living room to see thst Jungkook had already woken up.

"good morning"

"good morning y/n. What time is it?"

"it's 7:15"

He nodded and went to the bathroom to do his morning routine.

I, on the other hand, went inside my room and layed on my bed for awhile. I decided to organize my stuff and it didn't take long since I'm always organized.

"y/n! Jungkook! Breakfast is ready! C'mon you don't want to be late!" I heard Jin oppa.

The meeting, I forgot. Good thing there was plenty of time. Jungkook came outside the bathroom and both of us went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Jin oppa seemed to finish his breakfast so he went up the stairs. He must be getting ready... I thought.

"anyways, Jungkook, your clothes are upstairs, you can wear it today or just borrow Jin Oppa's clothes"

"it's OK, I'll wear mine" he reassured me with his smile and proceeded to eating.

When we finished, I went to my room and Jungkook went inside the guest room to change. I just something casual like a black tshirt and ripped jeans. I decide to just comb my hair. I was too lazy to tie it or do anything. I went downstairs to see that Jungkook and Jin oppa was already there. With that, we headed to the mall.


I promise to update more but I think the next chapter will either tomorrow or next week. Since I we already have our exams.

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