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"I want that one!" y/n pointed at the drink at the menu and Jungkook also said his order. They are st the bubble tea shop and just hanging out like what they have promised each other for the past few days. They took a seat and drank their bubble tea contently.

"Jungkook, the teacher texted me earlier saying that we should compose another song since we are abort to finish our's" Jungkook nodded and continued to drink his bubble tea when the front door opened and bell chimed.

"hi Jungkook! Hi y/n!" we saw Taehyung and Namjoon wave at us and walked to the counter to order. The cashier gave them their chosen bubble tea and they headed towards us.

"what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked as soon as they sat down.

"we just wanted to hangout.." Jungkook casually answered and all of them shrugged it off.

"why aren't the others with you?"

"well, the others are doing their own little thing. I saw Jimin and Hoseok go out the school together, that must mean their gonna hangout, then I saw Yoongi in the library, must be going to sleeping in there, and for Jin, he's at the teacher's office, being the nice man he is, he's helping some of the faculty out" Y/n and Jungkook nodded in understandment and the 4 of them drank their bubble tea.

"we should get going now. Bye Jungkook! Bye y/n!" Namjoon and Taehyung said, standing up and started to walk to their own home. Y/n and Jungkook stated there for a while. And deciding to head at the park. It was 6pm and seeing that there wasn't that many people there, they decided to stay there and watch the sunset. They stayed in each other's arms and the sun finally set. The horizon turning into a shade od orange and the sun soon dissappearing and being replaced by the moon. Jungkook and Y/n got up and decided to head home, of course, still aking together since they lived in the same neighborhood.

"I'll walk you there, it's not safe for a gurl to walk alone this late" Y/n nodded and smiled at Jungkook's offer. Slightly feeling heat creep up her cheeks as she was flustered at him. Jungkook, noticing it, also blushed. He, himself, also not believing he just said that.

Both of them walked side by side as they made their way to y/n's house. They got to the front door and y/n knocked gently.

"there you are, y/n" Jin smiled fondly at him. Seeing that Jungkook was right beside her, he thanked her for taking his lil' sis back home safely.

Jungkook decided that he shouldn't stay there for dinner, despite Jin insisting for him to stay at dinner.

Jungkook POV

I rejected Jin-hyung's offer for dinner, since I've already stayed there for a night and ate at their place too. I just drank some water and went on my way. Just as I was at the front door, I heard y/n call my name and I turned around. Not expecting her to kiss my cheek.

I stood there in shock. Slowly, heat started to rise up my cheeks and from that moment I knew that I was blushing. I looked at y/n and she was twirling her strand of hair into circles and looking down. But I swear, I could also see a faint shade of pink rising on her cheeks.

"I just want to say thank you Jungkook..." she finally started. I stared at her. Still recovering from the kiss.

"for what?"

"for today, and for everything you did. Even if I have only known you for a very short time, we grew very close" I looked down and smiled at myself. Feeling very flustered.

"it's OK y/n. We're friends by the way. Gudnight!" I said, waving at her as I made my way to my house and also hearing y/n say goodbye at me.

And I knew, that today was the best day. And I couldn't wait to see her tomorrow.

I think I've fallen for her....


I didn't know what was going through my mind when I kissed Jungkook goodbye. I was really flustered myself I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart fluttering. I haven't felt sensation like that since I was still with my Kookie.

"so what was that about?" I snapped out when I saw Jin oppa behind me, his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face.


"really? It didn't seem like you just kissed him in a friendly way..." I smacked his arm playfully and he laughed it off. I couldn't take it anymore, I feel like a red tomato, I rushed up my room. And closed the door, smiling....

As usual, I did my night routine and went to sleep. It was the first time I have felt so much better in a long time. I felt so happy. And it was all because of the one man in my mind, Jungkook.


I was going to bid goodbye to Jungkook, when I saw the cutest thing ever. Y/n kissed Jungkook. My little sister, kissed Jungkook.

I really shipped them right from the start. Even if I miss my missing donsaeng, my little Kookie, but I know that deep inside, the Jungkook that is standing right before my sister is him.

But I know that I can't jump into conclusions. I know that I shouldn't believe this but no matter how I want to, I can't.

Afte the kiss, I teased y/n about it. It was the first time in a long time I have seen her like this, blushing like a tomato. And I'm very sure that she was very flustered right now. So when she went to her room, I laughed it off.

Now I need to get some beauty sleep. My handsome face can't be damaged.

Jackson POV

I regret leaving Jungkook in the alley when I beat him up that day. I shouldn't have had mercy on him.

I want to have y/n all for myself. Either she wants or not, I'll do anything in my power for be mine. Even if her big brother isn't going to be happy abiut this, I don't give a fuck about it.

I walked back at the campus and into the dorm. My roommate, BamBam, was there too.

"what's wrong with you?" he finally said, looking up from his phone, and his eye following my direction. I looked at him and he can tell what was pissing me off.

"don't worry dude, when you get rid of Jungkook then you can make that girl yours, dont freak out." I rolled my eyes and just went to my bed. Closing my eyes and going to sleep, and Not even bothering to change my clothes.

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